fresh local produce for the fridges! has been archived.
fresh local produce for the fridges! has been archived and is no longer active.
fresh local produce for the fridges!
Part of: ATX Free Fridge Project
Please help us provide 3 CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares for 10 weeks! This amounts to $31 a share. The food is grown locally by The Farm at Caracara in Round Rock. All people deserve access to local, fresh food <3

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Credit from Incognito to fresh local produce for the fridges! •
Contribution #792099
Contribution #762074
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$883.41 USD
Total disbursed
$883.41 USD
Estimated annual budget
$960.00 USD

Our team
Today's Balance
fresh local produce for the f...
Estimated Annual Budget

fresh local produce for the fridges! is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting fresh local produce for the fridges!.