Bonnie C. (Lala) Harrison
Growing root vegetables and greens, and producing eggs to contribute to local food pantries along with food education.
Total amount contributed
$66.00 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #694351
Contribution #694350
Contribution #694349
↑ Total contributed
$66.00 USD
↓ Total received with expenses
$8,549.51 USD

Hi! I'm a farmer's kid and Anthropologist born in Chicago Heights. I bought a beloved neighbors place near my Grandparents, as a part of a promise to keep the area agricultural, and to return the nurture to this aging farming community. My grandparents used healthy methods and taught me. My grandmother believed that honey and garden herbs could solve most health problems, and my grandfather believed that whiskey and turpentine could solve the rest. Based on what they taught me, and what I've learned about sustainable and permaculture methods to produce vegetables, eggs, fruits, and nuts. We will also be producing wool, goat milk, and sheep's cheese. My goal is to reconnect with the community where my Grandparents farm with sustainable agriculture, permaculture, and nutritious, locally grown food.