Brent Solidarity Fund has been archived.
Brent Solidarity Fund has been archived and is no longer active.
Brent Solidarity Fund
A solidarity fund for anyone in Brent who is struggling financially.

Brent Solidarity Fund is all of us
Our contributors 66
Thank you for supporting Brent Solidarity Fund.
Daniel Susser
£1,299 GBP
Robert Stearn
£540 GBP
£380 GBP
Jess Stacey
£328 GBP
Marta Albrigh...
£190 GBP
Esther Foreman
£100 GBP
Pat Fernandes
Reuben L Ross
The Social Ch...
£13,955 GBP
BSF Publicity...
£2,818 GBP

Brent Solidarity Fund is no longer open for applications or for donations from November 2022
The admin team is in the process of winding down Brent Solidarity Fund, as we are not able to keep organising the fund ourself and we have not been able to find a new administrative team able to keep it open on the same open basis. If you are struggling financially and live in Brent, we recommend that you get in touch with Advice for Renters, who may be able to help:
If you are a regular contributor to Brent Solidarity Fund, you should have received an email explaining that your November contribution will be refunded and future transactions cancelled.
If you are a regular contributor to Brent Solidarity Fund, you should have received an email explaining that your November contribution will be refunded and future transactions cancelled.
What will happen to the remaining money in the fund?
At the end of November, the remaining funds will be distributed between other groups we have worked with in Brent, who will be able to distribute the money directly.
History of Brent Solidarity Fund
Across Brent, twenty mutual aid groups worked together beginning in March 2020, offering practical support and care to their neighbours. Many people found themselves in hardship as a result of Covid-19 – and we realised that the effects of this crisis would be felt for a long time to come. In response, people from Mutual Aid groups across the borough came together to set up the Brent Solidarity Fund, to provide direct assistance to Brent residents who are struggling financially.
The Brent Solidarity fund provided assistance to Brent residents who are struggling financially. The fund was set up on the basis that money from it could be used for anything: we are not here to judge you and there is no obligation to pay back the money. The fund was run with respect and trust, in accordance with principles of mutual aid: “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”. We adopted the following Statement of Principles and Equality of Access:
- Housing and immigration status should be no barrier to accessing the fund.
- Applicants will be signposted to other organisations that can provide support in the short or long term.
- People accessing the fund can be assured of confidentiality.
- We actively seek to move towards participatory decision making.
- Contributors and recipients should be equally represented: more money should not, for the purposes of this fund, equal greater power.
- The fund is open to all adults living in Brent irrespective of disability, gender expression, marital status, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
- We recognise that ‘open’ is not the same as ‘easily accessible’, and we are committed to actively working towards making the fund equally accessible to all.
Our team
Daniel Susser
Robert Stearn
Jess Stacey
Marta Albrigh...
Esther Foreman
Pat Fernandes
Reuben L Ross

Transparent and open finances.
-£50.00 GBP
-£30.00 GBP
-£30.00 GBP
Today’s balance--.-- GBP
Total raised
£31,047.45 GBP
Total disbursed
£31,047.45 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Brent Solidarity Fund
Updates on our activities and progress.
Fund to remain closed in Feb
Hello everyone, Having reviewed the situation, the current admin team has decided to keep the fund closed for February. This is because we currently only have about half the funds needed for a normal month of applications (£900 out of £1800...
Published on January 28, 2022 by Jess Stacey
Fund closure in January
Good evening all, Due to low funds, the Brent Solidarity Fund will shut for January to allow it to build back up a bit, before opening again in February. If you find yourself in need of emergency credit for heating or gas in January, your p...
Published on December 29, 2021 by Jess Stacey
December Collaboration and Survey
We have some really exciting news. We are receiving £1148 from a project that we have been working on with a campaign group called the Ba...
Published on November 30, 2021 by Jess Stacey