Open Collective
Open Collective

Bull City Mutual Aid

We listen and learn from those who have done the work before us to connect, amplify, and trust our community to provide for and love each other. We band together to find and redistribute resources, ideas, and support.


A group of neighbors in the Lakewood neighborhood of Durham, NC came together in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 crisis to provide direct support to our neighbors. We organized our first cash fund to provide $200 cash grants for 25 neighbors in need of monetary assistance for rent, utilities, and medical care. 

Throughout our early work in the Lakewood neighborhood, a great amount of need was communicated by neighbors from all over Durham. Because of this, our group of organizers widened its membership and expanded our scope to become Bull City Mutual Aid (BCMA), to stand in solidarity with all Durham neighbors. Our main focus is this cash fund to support those most impacted by COVID-19 and address other financial barriers. Our organizers also participate in several community-building projects, such as community gardens, safe voting support, wellness visits, safe ride-shares, and grocery deliveries. 

We are also amplifiers, connectors, and supporters. BCMA shouts out the work of partners who provide services and aid, and we strive to bridge the divide between those offering and those seeking resources. We operate under an abundance mindset: everyone has something to contribute. When viewing the world through this lens, we can build relationships rooted in trust, adaptability, patience, and support.



Transparent and open finances.

View all expenses  →
-$300.00 USD
-$500.00 USD
mutual aid
-$1,175.00 USD
↑ Total contributed

--.-- USD

↓ Total received with expenses

$9,691.00 USD