Commons Economy Roadmap
The Knowledge Base and Promotion Protocol for the Commons Economy

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
-€109.96 EUR
-€1,800.00 EUR
Today’s balance--.-- EUR
Total raised
€1,923.75 EUR
Total disbursed
€1,923.75 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR

The Commons Economy Roadmap (CER) is a Knowledge Base and Promotion Protocol to highlight and empower what we consider to be the most important 20 projects in the current economic stage: companies and ecosystems that are building open infrastructures to regenerate society, to support the struggle of citizens, farmers, activists, scientists, tech experts and entrepreneurs on the ground at the dawn of global collapse. Read more in this introductory article.
CER is:
CER is:
- a Knowledge Base: we have been gathering knowledge on the featured projects so that anyone interested in learning more about them can do so in an accessible way. What's more important, following a co-research approach, anybody may provide relevant knowledge (third-party sources, their own analysis, contextual information) and we'll consider adding it to the pool.
- a Promotion Protocol: in November and December 2023 we are planning a 6 months calendar (January-June) of social media activity about the projects to spread knowledge and update the community about them. We will publish blog articles, papers, videos and podcasts. They will be produced partly by CCA—often in collaboration with partners—and partly by sharing existing material both from third sources and the projects themselves. This will allow our trusted network of experts to participate in our curation process.
Our team

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Financial Contributions
Commons Economy Roadmap is all of us
Our contributors 3
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