Open Collective
Open Collective

Amplify Arts Project



Transparent and open finances.

View all expenses  →
-£85.00 GBP
-£129.60 GBP
-£150.00 GBP
↑ Total contributed

--.-- USD

↓ Total received with expenses

$7,780.86 USD


Amplify Arts Project supports vulnerable and disadvantaged young people fulfil their potential by engaging them with music and other arts. We create a safe environment for young people to break free from the fears and barriers they face, showing by example that they can become whomever they want to be. Taking part in Amplified Arts Projects, young people can grow their creativity, skills, self esteem and many gain the confidence to pursue an art profession or attend higher education. Whilst others young people overcome personal difficulties they may have. We deliver our exciting program in the heart of local communities, using professional staff and resources to schools and youth clubs, just to name a few.

Our therapeutic approach to working with young people with difficult backgrounds has encouraged many of them to develop their own coping mechanism to deal with their emotional triggers and pressures. Addressing internal and external areas that affect them day to day, for example, youth crime and gangs, peer pressure, family etc...

Many of the young people we have worked with grow with confidence and determination and share their creative experience with peers within in school environment and out.
With positive interactions, and appealing engagement in our creative projects young people feel proud of their achievements, and at the completion of their goal, are rewarded for their amazing efforts by receiving an Arts Award certificate qualification.