Help climate activist Ahmad escape from taliban terror
Fiscal Host: All For Climate
Getting Ahmad to safety in Pakistan

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #596646
Today’s balance€9.12 EUR
Total raised
€9.12 EUR
Total disbursed
--.-- EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR

Ahmad is a climate activist from Afghanistan Janine from our team has worked with. He reached out to us after Taliban officials searched his belongs. They found some documents in his bag which prove he has been working with international climate orgnizations. Upon their discovery the officials made a big scene in which they expressed severe threats. Luckily Ahmad was able to go into hiding.
Since many have been killed in Afghanistan for the sheer fact that they were connected to international organizations, Ahmad is to be considered in immediate danger. We would like to help Ahmad get to safety and out of Afghanistan as soon as possible. This requires a costly visa procedure through an agent and a plane ticket to Islamabad, Pakistan.
Should any extra money come in, we would use it to cover Ahmad's expenses in Pakistan where needed. If this fundraiser raises more money than we hoped for, it will be used to broaden our help to climate activists facing terror in Afghanistan, Russia and Ukraine.
We use Open Collective for this fundraiser because it provides donors and receivers with excellent transparancy of where the money goes to and where the money comes from.
Since many have been killed in Afghanistan for the sheer fact that they were connected to international organizations, Ahmad is to be considered in immediate danger. We would like to help Ahmad get to safety and out of Afghanistan as soon as possible. This requires a costly visa procedure through an agent and a plane ticket to Islamabad, Pakistan.
Should any extra money come in, we would use it to cover Ahmad's expenses in Pakistan where needed. If this fundraiser raises more money than we hoped for, it will be used to broaden our help to climate activists facing terror in Afghanistan, Russia and Ukraine.
We use Open Collective for this fundraiser because it provides donors and receivers with excellent transparancy of where the money goes to and where the money comes from.
Our team

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Help climate activist Ahmad escape from taliban terror is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Help climate activist Ahmad escape from taliban terror.