Climate Sessions
Fiscal Host: All For Climate
Canal de difusió artística sobre l'emergècia climàtica

• Per a contribuïr en el projecte, llisca cap abaix! — To contribute, scroll down! •
Climate Sessions és un canal de difusió artística a Youtube i Instagram sense ànim de lucre, amb l'objectiu de fer divulgació sobre l'emergència climàtica i ecològica i les seves dimensions socials.
Climate Sessions és un projecte independent que forma part del teixit de moviments ecologistes de Barcelona, i que col·labora estretament amb la Xarxa per la Justícia Climàtica.
La iniciativa neix de la necessitat de fer arribar el discurs ecologista i la consciència climàtica al públic general, en un llenguatge que acompanyi i a la vegada transcendeixi la comunicació política i la divulgació científica: el de l'art i la cultura. Gravem sessions en directe amb artistes compromesos, produïm contingut audiovisual per acompanyar campanyes activistes i dinamitzem mobilitzacions amb l'ànim d'enriquir els missatges polítics i com a via d'exploració de noves maneres de pensar, ser i viure en un món ferit.
Des de Climate Sessions som conscients de la relació d'inter-dependència entre els ecosistemes globals i les vides de les persones i tots els éssers que els habitem. Creiem que, en el context d'emergència climàtica greu en què ens trobem, és necessari informar i conscienciar la ciutadania sobre els impactes a què ens enfrontem, però també inspirar accions, respostes i canvis. Estem convençudes que la cultura i l'art són eines imprescindibles en aquest procés.
Climate Sessions is a non-profit ecologist artistic broadcasting channel on Youtube and Instagram. Our goal is to share and produce artistic content about the climate emergency.
Climate Sessions is an independent project that actively collaborates with ecologist movements in Barcelona, including the youth movement Fridays for Future.
Climate Sessions is born from the need to take the ecologist awareness and discourse to the general public, in a language that both accompanies and transcends political communication, activism and scientific divulgation: from culture, art and emotions. We record live sessions with committed artists, produce audiovisual content to boost activist campaigns and dinamize mobilizations, with the aim to enrich political messages but also to explore new ways of being, thinking and living in a damaged world.
From Climate Sessions we are aware of the inter-dependence between global ecosystems and the lives of the people and beings who inhabit them. We think that, in the current context of climate emrgency, it is essential to inform and increase the consciousness on ecology and to inspire actions, responses and social change. We strongly believe that art and culture are powerful tools in this quest.
Support us if you think the same way.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/climatesessions/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCekYgN7YDmOlufR5f8eGvoQ
Climate Sessions is an independent project that actively collaborates with ecologist movements in Barcelona, including the youth movement Fridays for Future.
Climate Sessions is born from the need to take the ecologist awareness and discourse to the general public, in a language that both accompanies and transcends political communication, activism and scientific divulgation: from culture, art and emotions. We record live sessions with committed artists, produce audiovisual content to boost activist campaigns and dinamize mobilizations, with the aim to enrich political messages but also to explore new ways of being, thinking and living in a damaged world.
From Climate Sessions we are aware of the inter-dependence between global ecosystems and the lives of the people and beings who inhabit them. We think that, in the current context of climate emrgency, it is essential to inform and increase the consciousness on ecology and to inspire actions, responses and social change. We strongly believe that art and culture are powerful tools in this quest.
Support us if you think the same way.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/climatesessions/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCekYgN7YDmOlufR5f8eGvoQ
Our team

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Climate Sessions.
Music, dance and climate justice
Climate Sessions is all of us
Our contributors 7
Thank you for supporting Climate Sessions.

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #505993
from sumayyah to Climate Sessions •
-€500.00 EUR
Contribution #505993
Today’s balance€529.94 EUR
Total raised
€1,179.66 EUR
Total disbursed
€649.72 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Climate Sessions
Updates on our activities and progress.
Presentation of the members!
Hello! We are Birch and Martí, cofounders and members of Climate Sessions. Both of us are musicians and activists in climate movements like Fridays for Future and Exctinction Rebelion. Our goal is to encourage artists to be part of or colla...
Published on October 21, 2021 by Tomeu Aspa