Open Collective
Open Collective

Tech Development Fund


To create and maintain spaces for the DAF community to interact, learn, share, and be.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

One-time contribution
Tech Infrastructure Campaign

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Starts at
£5 GBP

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Tech Development Fund is all of us

Our contributors 4

Thank you for supporting Tech Development Fund.

David Baum

£7,300 GBP

Deep Adaptati...

£6,697 GBP

The Schumache...

£2,000 GBP

Margot Coppens

£100 GBP


This Deep Adaptation Forum Project is intended to serve our community's needs with technical infrastructure that will nurture and deepen our interactions and relationships. We will utilize initial funding to finalize an evaluation process of potential solutions for both online communications and offline organising.

Further funding will be deployed to maintain and enhance the platform(s) chosen, including testing and enhancements as we learn from experience and member feedback the most effective integration of technology throughout the DAF ecosystem.


Transparent and open finances.

-€96.00 EUR
~ £81.01 GBP
Invoice #206117
-€100.00 EUR
~ £84.38 GBP
Invoice #206034
-€150.00 EUR
~ £126.57 GBP
Invoice #201461
Today’s balance

£1,152.28 GBP

Total raised

£16,095.08 GBP

Total disbursed

£14,942.80 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£2,000.00 GBP