Open Collective
Open Collective

Deep Time Walk Project

Empower the creation and use of Deep Time Walk's across the world, inspiring care for our Earth.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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+ 92
Recurring contribution

Sponsor the collective to create new initiatives and help spread the concept far and wide.

Starts at
£25 GBP / month

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Recurring contribution

Support the collective to create new initiatives such as the new Deep Time Walk multi-narrative App.

Starts at
£125 GBP / month

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One-time contribution

Pay license fees back to the collective for use of the Deep Time Walk in commercial settings or when you are paid as a facilitator. See https://www... Read more

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+ 84

Deep Time Walk Project is all of us

Our contributors 96

Thank you for supporting Deep Time Walk Project.

Robert Woodford


£2,374 GBP

Olivier Maurel

Commercial license payment

£1,585 GBP

Amélie Rouvin

Commercial license payment

£1,057 GBP


Commercial license payment

£1,037 GBP


Commercial license payment

£907 GBP

Marine Lejeun...

Commercial license payment

£841 GBP

Marion Allet

Commercial license payment

£825 GBP

Steps in Stone

Commercial license payment

£812 GBP


Commercial license payment

£615 GBP

Schumacher Sp...

Commercial license payment

£603 GBP


Commercial license payment

£600 GBP

Phil Becquet

Commercial license payment

£518 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #837650
Contribution #825569
Contribution #825006
Today’s balance

£21,583.76 GBP

Total raised

£21,583.76 GBP

Total disbursed

--.-- GBP

Estimated annual budget

£7,738.62 GBP


Deep Time Walk is a transformative journey through 4.6bn years of Earth history via a 4.6km walk. It is an invitation to view the world differently, encouraging positive action and collective advocacy for a regenerative Earth. Our collective vision is to empower an ensemble of geographically specific and culturally nuanced Deep Time Walks, empowering communities with tactile resources and a suite of digital tools which help bring about a flourishing ecological civilisation.

Our team