Open Collective
Open Collective

Denver Community Fridges

Denver Community Fridge is a mutual aid project where local businesses and community members drop off fresh food and meals to combat local food insecurity.


Denver Community Fridges is all of us

Our contributors 334

Thank you for supporting Denver Community Fridges.

Namaste Solar...

$13,356 USD

Namaste Solar...

$8,267 USD

Chinook Fund

$5,000 USD

noah a bardwell


$3,600 USD



$3,600 USD

Eli Zain

$2,797 USD


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$118,212.64 USD

Total disbursed

$118,212.64 USD

Estimated annual budget

$45.00 USD


All time

Expenses paid


Amount disbursed


Tags# of ExpensesAmount
no tag
mutual aid
artist compensation
supplemental resources
storage unit
Others Combined

View all paid expenses


All time

Contributions received


Amount collected


Tiers# of ContributionsAmount

View all contributions


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Denver Community Fridges

Updates on our activities and progress.

December 2022 Update

In 2022, Denver Community Fridges grew exponentially, expanding both its core team and volunteer base, leading the organization to complete over 1,500 volunteer shifts this year. Volunteers distributed 500+ pounds of donated and rescued foo...
Read more
Published on December 21, 2022 by Sara McCafferty


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.

Invoice #168462

Published on March 20, 2024 by Sam Brown

How many gallons of water did you buy for $1,000? What was it used for?

Upcoming Expenses through Calendar Year End

Published on October 27, 2021 by Sara McCafferty

Hi Denver Community, In an ongoing effort to increase financial transparency, we have put together a list of expenses we are anticipating before 2022. Below we have our anticipated expenses, a short description of each, and their costs and...


Denver Community Fridge is a mutual aid project aimed at addressing food insecurity in the Denver Metro area, which is located on stolen land of the Cheyenne, Arapahoe, and Ute. We are a prison-industrial complex (PIC) abolitionist group that works in alignment with the movement for Black liberation and restoration of Indigenous sovereignty.

We recognize that food insecurity is intimately linked to other forms of injustice and aim to work collaboratively with community members to meet people’s basic needs. We deeply believe that community work must be done collectively in order to be successful, so we encourage all members of our community to engage with the fridges in ways that feel restorative and supportive to them.

Additionally, we understand that our community members, in the most vulnerable circumstances, know their needs best. Therefore, we do not police how much/how often someone takes from the fridges. There is more than enough for us all.

With the help of community members and local businesses, our fridges and pantries are full of produce, sealed prepared meals, hygiene and wellness products, and more, for any and everyone. For more locations, FAQs, volunteer information, and more, please see our linktree or visit out instagram page

Donations we collect are used to pay fridge artists, transport food and materials, purchase cleaning products and more vital cost-incurring activities that allow our fridges to be implemented and maintained.

Take what you need and leave what you can.

With love and solidarity, 
The Denver Community Fridge Team