Čišćenje i oživljavanje spomen-parka žrtvama fašističkog terora u Kolodvorskoj ulici
Saturday, June 4, 2022, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: DKC Sarajevo
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe

B/H/S - Protekle subote odradili smo akciju uređenja spomen-parka na Pofalićima u ulici Kolodvorska 12, gdje se nalazi Spomenik palim borcima i žrtvama fašističkog terora podignut od strane kolektiva Željezničke radionice „Vaso Miskin Crni“. Pored čišćenja i uređivanja parka, montirana je instalacija privremenog karaktera radi skretanja pažnje na nebrigu o historijskom i kulturnom naslijeđu te važnosti očuvanja tekovina antifašizma u BiH.
Instalaciju čini ploča na kojoj su ispisana 286 imena žrtava fašističkog terora, naših sugrađanki i sugrađana, koji su pali u odbrani grada. Ovom instalacijom se želi naglasiti potreba očuvanja kolektivnog sjećanja te važnost i težina svakog pojedinačnog života. Borba za slobodno i pravedno društvo nastavlja se i danas.
ENG - Last Saturday we completed a clean-up event in the memorial park in Pofalići, street Kolodvorska 12, where the Monument to the Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Fascist Terror is located, erected by the collective of the Railway workshop "Vaso Miskin Crni". In addition to cleaning and arranging of the park, a temporary installation was installed to draw attention concerning the neglect of historical and cultural heritage and the importance of preserving the legacy of anti-fascism in BiH.
The installation consists of boards where 286 names of the victims of fascist terror, our fellow citizens, who fell in the defense of the city, will be reproduced. This installation aims to emphasize the need to preserve the collective memory and the importance and weight of each individual life. The struggle for a free and just society continues today.