Friday, November 19, 2021, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: DKC Sarajevo
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe


B/H/S: Deponija je umjetnički performans austrijske pozorišne kreatorke, performerke i muzičarke Nore Köhler i vizuelne umjetnice i grafičke dizajnerice Susanne Schlögl, koji realizuju za vrijeme svog "Artist in Residence" boravka u Sarajevu. Deponija je portret generacije koja se odvaja od svega što više nema nikakvu funkciju i upotrebu. U performansu se tema prolaznosti ispituje iz različitih perspektiva. Javni prostor, posebno napuštena mjesta u Sarajevu i okolini, čine pozadinu za to. Cilj je bio potaknuti svijest publike o vlastitim deponijama s jedne strane, ali i s druge strane o odbacivanju i bivanju odbačenim unutar društva.
ENG: Deponija is a performance project by the Austrian theater maker, performer and musician Nora Köhler and visual artist and graphic designer Susanne Schlögl, which they are realising during their Artist in Residence in Sarajevo. Deponija is the portrait of a generation that is separating from everything that no longer has any function or use. In the performance the subject of transitoriness is examined from different perspectives. The public space, in particular, vacancies in Sarajevo and the surrounding area form the backdrop for it. The aim was to give the audience an impulse to be clear about their personal landfills on the one hand, but also on the other, about the disposal and being disposed of within a society. "Away with everything. Throw everything away. Short and sweet. And the pile grows. Fix nothing. Discard and replace. And the pile grows. A heap from the past. And at the bottom me. Disposed."