Noć vještica / Halloween
Saturday, October 30, 2021, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: DKC Sarajevo
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe

B/H/S: Pod sloganom “A Nightmare On Sarajevo Street”, htjeli smo podići svijest o pravom hororu našeg grada sa kojim se kao građanke i građani susrećemo svakodnevno, a to su zapuštene javne površine i velike količine smeća na našim ulicama. Tim povodom organizirali smo #prljavu" izložbu. Uz pomoć naših pratitelja i DKC ekipe prikupili smo mnoštvo slika nepropisno odloženog smeća koje smo izložili u prostoru kao i poslali nadlešnim organima.
Pored "prljave" izložbe, odgovarali smo na pitanja jezivog kviza, parali uši uz grozni jam session, plesali
pod hipnozom dok nas DJ-evi kontrolišu i paničarili u horor sobi!
ENG: Under the slogan "A Nightmare On Sarajevo Street", we wanted to raise awareness of the real horror of our city that we meet as citizens every day, and these are neglected public areas and large amounts of garbage on our streets. having that in mind, we organized a "dirty" exhibition. With the help of our community and the DKC team, we collected many pictures of improperly disposed of garbage, which we exhibited in the space and sent to the authorities.
In addition to the "dirty" exhibition, we answered the questions in a creepy quiz, pierced our ears with a horrible jam session, danced in a trance under the control of the DJs and panicked in the horror room!
Pored "prljave" izložbe, odgovarali smo na pitanja jezivog kviza, parali uši uz grozni jam session, plesali
pod hipnozom dok nas DJ-evi kontrolišu i paničarili u horor sobi!
ENG: Under the slogan "A Nightmare On Sarajevo Street", we wanted to raise awareness of the real horror of our city that we meet as citizens every day, and these are neglected public areas and large amounts of garbage on our streets. having that in mind, we organized a "dirty" exhibition. With the help of our community and the DKC team, we collected many pictures of improperly disposed of garbage, which we exhibited in the space and sent to the authorities.
In addition to the "dirty" exhibition, we answered the questions in a creepy quiz, pierced our ears with a horrible jam session, danced in a trance under the control of the DJs and panicked in the horror room!