Otvaranje DKC-a / Opening of DKC
Saturday, August 28, 2021, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: DKC Sarajevo
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe

B/H/S: Otvorili smo novi Društveno-kulturni prostor u Sarajevu u zgradi na Kampusu!
Odaziv je bio veći nego očekivan, posjetitelji su nam pomogli u ukrašavanju novog prostora svojim radovima, ispunili police knjigama, kao i podržali naš budući rad svojim donacijama. Uz jam session i dub, reggae, punk muziku posjetitelji su uživali u opuštenoj atmosferi koju smo nastavili prenositi sa eventa na event.
ENG: We have opened a new social-cultural space in Sarajevo in a building on the Campus!
The turnout was higher than expected, visitors helped us decorate the new space with their artworks, filled the shelves with books, as well as supported our future work with their donations. With jam sessions and dub, reggae, punk music, visitors enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere that we continued to keep up in future events.
Odaziv je bio veći nego očekivan, posjetitelji su nam pomogli u ukrašavanju novog prostora svojim radovima, ispunili police knjigama, kao i podržali naš budući rad svojim donacijama. Uz jam session i dub, reggae, punk muziku posjetitelji su uživali u opuštenoj atmosferi koju smo nastavili prenositi sa eventa na event.
ENG: We have opened a new social-cultural space in Sarajevo in a building on the Campus!
The turnout was higher than expected, visitors helped us decorate the new space with their artworks, filled the shelves with books, as well as supported our future work with their donations. With jam sessions and dub, reggae, punk music, visitors enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere that we continued to keep up in future events.