Ducksfloat Collective studio space is a place where all are inspired to come and share resources to sustainably craft, create works of art and connect. The foundation of the collective is inspired by abolitionist healing and mutual aid, with the hopes of collectively challenging ourselves and the spaces around us to envision the world anew.
The studio space is located at 4541 N Ravenswood Ave Suite 203B. If you're interested in collaborating in any way, please reach out via email: [email protected]

Become a financial contributor.
Ducksfloat Collective is hosting the following events.
Past event
01:00 AM UTC
Past event
09:00 PM UTC
Past event
04:00 PM-07:00 PM UTC
Past event
11:00 PM UTC
Past event
04:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC
Past event
07:00 PM-11:00 PM UTC
Past event
10:00 PM UTC
Past event
10:00 PM UTC
Past event
10:00 PM UTC
Past event
07:00 PM-11:00 PM UTC
Past event
01:00 AM-04:00 AM UTC
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Ducksfloat Collective.
Space for Albany park mutual aid donations and spending
Estimated Annual Budget
yoga supplies
Today's Balance

Let’s get the ball rolling!

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Shannon to Ducksfloat Collective •
Contribution #765865
Contribution #660184
Credit from Kate to Yoga supplies fundraiser •
Contribution #741853
Today’s balance$538.60 USD
Total income
$1,591.29 USD
Total disbursed
$1,052.69 USD
Estimated annual budget
$60.00 USD