Open Collective
Open Collective

Cultural Training


Foundational cultural education for EHF whānau


Transparent and open finances.

-$1,920.11 NZD
Contribution #582193
Contribution #579563
Today’s balance

--.-- NZD

Total raised

$3,210.87 NZD

Total disbursed

$3,210.87 NZD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- NZD


A fund for the collection and distribution of koha (donations/contributions) towards foundational cultural training for EHF whānau.

Koha is tikanga Māori and involves the act of giving. Formal koha is the giving of gifts or money by manuhiri to a host marae as part of a pōwhiri. Koha is also a common practice in Aotearoa in many informal ways. We often bring a koha of food or gifts when visiting friends and whānau.

Initially, we are using this to collect koha and distribute koha for Te Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty Training sessions.

These will be 2 sessions each and run in September. Specifically:
  • Fridays 16 & 23 September, 9:30-11:30 am NZT - Register here for September.
  •  Thursdays 6 & 13 October, 12pm-2pm NZT - Register here for October. 
(You need to register regardless of your koha to get the link to join online)

Session 1: Tiriti Overview. 
Bill Hamilton - Ngā Rauru, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Kahungungu.
Session 2: Tiriti breaches and redress. 
Sharn Maree, Ngāpuhi, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui.

The suggested koha is $50, but you are welcome to contribute more if you are able. If you cannot afford to pay you are still encouraged to join.

You can make a contribution in relation to the specific sessions for which you have registered, or you can make a donation for a different amount.

The financial goal is based on the cost of running each session. EHF will make up any shortfall; any excess will be held for use towards future cultural training.


Cultural Training is all of us

Our contributors 66

Thank you for supporting Cultural Training.

Maurine on be...

Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$200 NZD

Adam Grosser

Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$100 NZD

Randy Reddig

Treaty Training - 6 & 13 Oc...

$100 NZD

David Bent-Ha...

Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$50 NZD

Tim Moor

Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$50 NZD


Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$50 NZD

Sean Patrick ...

Treaty Training - 16 & 23 S...

$50 NZD


Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$50 NZD

Kirsty Reynolds

Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$50 NZD


Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$50 NZD

Justin Hamilton

Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$50 NZD

Chris Gagne

Treaty Training - 15 & 22 July

$50 NZD