Open Collective
Open Collective

Enspiral Europe


We're the European regional subgroup of the global Enspiral network: A community of friends supporting each other to grow & to do more meaningful work in the world


Become a financial contributor.


Enspiral Europe is hosting the following events.

Past event
05:00 PM UTC
The Enspiral Europe Node is gathering once again at the beautiful Lunow-Stolzenhagen Collective

Attended by

Past event
01:00 PM UTC
You can register your place by buying a "Deposit" ticket. This is an invite-only event, check the...Read more

Attended by

+ 4
Past event
06:00 PM UTC
You can register your place by buying a "Deposit" ticket. This is an invite-only event, check the...Read more

Attended by

+ 5
Past event
07:00 AM UTC
You can register your place by buying a "Deposit" ticket. This is an invite-only event, check Sl...Read more

Attended by

Financial Contributions

Monthly Member Fees (S)

All Members of the Enspiral Europe Node pay a membership fee. You can choose the Small, Medium, or Large rate depending on your financial circumsta... Read more

€10 EUR / month

Latest activity by

+ 22
Recurring contribution
Monthly Member Fees (M)

All Members of the Enspiral Europe Node pay a membership fee. You can choose the Small, Medium, or Large rate depending on your financial circumsta... Read more

€25 EUR / month

Latest activity by

Recurring contribution
Monthly Member Fees (L)

All Members of the Enspiral Europe Node pay a membership fee. You can choose the Small, Medium, or Large rate depending on your financial circumsta... Read more

€50 EUR / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!
One-time contribution

Contribute here to make our events more accessible. We'll use the money to cover some of the costs of people who couldn't otherwise afford to attend.

Latest activity by

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 33
Annual Member Fees (S)

All Members of the Enspiral Europe Node pay a membership fee. You can choose the Small, Medium, or Large rate depending on your financial circumsta... Read more

€120 EUR / year

Latest activity by

+ 1
Annual Member Fees (M)

All Members of the Enspiral Europe Node pay a membership fee. You can choose the Small, Medium, or Large rate depending on your financial circumsta... Read more

€300 EUR / year

Latest activity by

Annual Member Fees (L)

All Members of the Enspiral Europe Node pay a membership fee. You can choose the Small, Medium, or Large rate depending on your financial circumsta... Read more

€600 EUR / year

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!

Enspiral Europe is all of us

Our contributors 37

Thank you for supporting Enspiral Europe.

Richard Bartlett


€675 EUR

Michal Korzonek


€270 EUR



€270 EUR



€221 EUR

An Van Damme


€140 EUR

Corinna Zucke...

Annual Member Fees (M)

€600 EUR

Brigit Rozest...

Monthly Member Fees (S)

€535 EUR


Monthly Member Fees (S)

€300 EUR

Manuel Küblböck

Annual Member Fees (S)

€240 EUR

Helen Triggs

Monthly Member Fees (S)

€220 EUR


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

€4,564.87 EUR

Total raised

€6,330.57 EUR

Total disbursed

€1,765.70 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€3,200.00 EUR


All time

Expenses paid


Amount disbursed


Tags# of ExpensesAmount
no tag

View all paid expenses


All time

Contributions received


Amount collected


Tiers# of ContributionsAmount

View all contributions


Enspiral is a global network of people supporting each other to work on stuff that matters. Enspiral Europe is a regional subgroup.

We're a mutual aid community, supporting each other in our professional & personal development, so we're better equipped to do meaningful work in the world. Our main activities are a big gathering twice a year, plus lots of online collaboration.

The global network is transitioning to a multi-regional model. Enspiral Europe is the first region to create its own independent financial/legal infrastructure. We're expecting other regions will follow suit (e.g. Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, North America).

For now, we're learning how Open Collective supports our regional organising, and we're learning how to maintain global coherence with increased regional autonomy.

Our first use of this page was collecting funds for our summer retreat 2022 in Portugal. Now we shift our membership dues. Instead of paying them to the Enspiral Foundation in NZ, we pay them here.