Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #495235
Contribution #495235
Contribution #495235
Today’s balance€734.94 EUR
Total raised
€734.94 EUR
Total disbursed
--.-- EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR

This project offers you the opportunity to help identify solutions to key barriers in different global contexts and across sectors to "improve equity in sustainable access to medical treatments", and co-author a “Recommendation of Actions” report, which will be handed to various national and international institutions.
This project offers you the opportunity to help identify solutions to key barriers in different global contexts and across sectors to "improve equity in sustainable access to medical treatments", and co-author a “Recommendation of Actions” report, which will be handed to various national and international institutions.
Fair Data Economies, Capability Expansion, Commons, Intellectual Property, Policy Making:
Sebastian Klemm (founder, Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas*) conducts at least 8 interconnected interviews + 1 workshop with Changemakers from worldwide contexts, who would otherwise not meet, to align their ideas on how to improve equity in sustainable access to medicines & medical treatments.
Global social cohesion & vital security are motivating this project:
Disease, like poverty, is an absolute and not a relative state. Its opposite is not wealth (which is a relative concept), but what one could call vital security. The constitution of the World Health Organisation WHO envisages “…the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being.” This project aims at improving health as human rights.
🌱 Benefits for Financial Contributors:
- Visibility by being named in each interview publication
- Opportunity to learn and to network: provided through continuous invitations to meetings and discussions where you have a front seat
- Your ability to influence the priority of measures on the "Recommendation of Action" list
👉 Opportunities for Interviewees:
- Expose your own solutions, initiatives and projects
- Contribute to collective fund that benefits all interviewees
- Amplify your exposure through ProofingFuture’s information dissemination channels
- Complement your solutions in a collaborative workshop together with other changemakers
- Gain authority in the field by co-authoring a “Recommendation of Actions” report, which will be sent to various national and international institutions
Goals, Achievements, Outputs:
- This project is building bridges among the several interviewees, their initiatives & solutions: Each interview acts as a contextual position statement, identifying first solutions.
- In a followup workshop all interviewees together work out "Recommendations for Action" how to Improve Equitable Access to Medical Treatments across sectors.
- The "Recommendations for Action" will be actively submitted to decision-makers in business and politics and international organisations & committees actively working on the issue, such as the secretariat of national delegates at the Council of Europe, National Ethics Committees, United Nations.
True Cost Accounting: What we need financially and what we plan to do with it:
- To realize above goals, this campaign is seeking to raise altogether 9,600 € ✔️
- To produce each interview the expenditure is about 600 € on the side of Sebastian Klemm (including field research on each interviewees individual context, questionnaire development, cross references, proofreading, graphic design, website & social media publishing). Aspiring to conduct at least 8 written interviews, results in a working time expenditure of 4,800 €.
- Raised for each interviewee: Each interviewee shall also get 600 € and remains free to decide whether to use it for own pupose or pass it on to other interviewees' organisations. Hence, in total this campaign seeks to raise altogether 9,600 €.
- 💰 Principles:
- Interviewees are project ambassadors
- Interviewees are draw attention to the fundraising campaign in their channels
- Interviewees contribute direct & indirect to collective fund that benefits all interviewees
- Whatever raised: 50% are governed among interviewees, 50% of proceeds go to interview campaign management (Sebastian Klemm*)
- *Sebastian Klemm will donate 10% of his stake to Open Collective.
- Surplus would be governed in equal parts among campaign management & all interviewees.
📣 Where:
All interviews will be published online at Proofing Future's information dissemination channels:
Our team
Sebastian Klemm
Financial Supporter

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Financial Contributions
Improving Equitable Access to Medical Treatments is all of us
Our contributors 7
Thank you for supporting Improving Equitable Access to Medical Treatments.

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Improving Equitable Access to Medical Treatments
Updates on our activities and progress.
Inspiring Input from Abril Chimal as well as Faso Medical team ahead of our next event 25 NOV
Contribute to Improving Equitable Access to Medical Treatments to see this Update
Published on November 24, 2021 by Sebastian Klemm
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