Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas
We support doers in the fields of Climate Action, Social Justice & Tech for Good: We help communicate your tangible solutions, raise your visibility & foster meaningful collaborations. Contact us!

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas.
If you want to receive particular services.
If you want to both receive services and can actively contribute to build our hive.
ledger for basic operations
This project connects changemakers from worldwide contexts to align their ideas on how People, Da...
Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas is hosting the following events.
Past event
04:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC
Past event
04:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC
Past event
04:00 PM-04:45 PM UTC
Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas.

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #529400
Contribution #529400
Contribution #529400
Today’s balance-€12.57 EUR
Total income
€41.47 EUR
Total disbursed
€54.04 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas
Updates on our activities and progress.
Lynn Foster presents ValueFlows _ Proofing Future "How do you do" series
Contribute to Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas to see this Update
Published on May 7, 2022 by Sebastian Klemm
Publication on "Sustainable Fuels"
Dear supporters and community, discover our interview with Dr. Michael Schultz who works on projects to scaleup and commercialize sustainable fuels: “I don’t think that market forces alone will do the trick. I don’t think w...
Published on May 5, 2022 by Sebastian Klemm
No.2 Exchange Meeting on "Citizen-Generated Data initiatives"
Dear community. BECAUSE ... some interested parties could not make the date of our first meeting, we ju...
Published on April 27, 2022 by Sebastian Klemm

What support can your organisation and project use at the moment?
To overcome disparities & to enable a just and peaceful coexistence for the growing world population within planetary boundaries, a pluralism of creative, solidarity-based & regenerative projects and forms of collaboration must be globally promoted, locally translated and sustained. Proofing Future succeeds through Bridging People + Ideas. This is what we care about and what we are engaging for with you.
To overcome disparities & to enable a just and peaceful coexistence for the growing world population within planetary boundaries, a pluralism of creative, solidarity-based & regenerative projects and forms of collaboration must be globally promoted, locally translated and sustained. Proofing Future succeeds through Bridging People + Ideas. This is what we care about and what we are engaging for with you.
Who we work with:
Sustainability impact driven organisations, collectives, cooperatives, project teams, companies and social entrepreneurs.
Sustainability impact driven organisations, collectives, cooperatives, project teams, companies and social entrepreneurs.
How we become effective for you:
Guided by passion for your impact solutions, we apply our platform & social skills to increase your connectivity for further uptake of your solutions & initiating collaborations – which we are also happy to accompany.
Guided by passion for your impact solutions, we apply our platform & social skills to increase your connectivity for further uptake of your solutions & initiating collaborations – which we are also happy to accompany.
Can this find you interest?
Let’s get in touch: Brief us in this contact form & we will send you a calendar for your scheduling selection to a Discovery Call.
Let’s get in touch: Brief us in this contact form & we will send you a calendar for your scheduling selection to a Discovery Call.
“Collaboration with Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas generated 10 pieces of in-depth content, each specific about every solution inside the DLT4EU Accelerator, and also about the different approaches and contributions to the companies in the DLT4EU Consortium. Those interviews provided us with quality content generated by an external provider, and visibility on other platforms,“ Anna Higueras, Ideas for Change
“Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas helps you to effectively identify who you should start collaborating with, because they glimpse win-win situations. Initiating new collaborations was the hardest thing we could delegate, until we learned about Proofing Future,” David Franquesa, USOdy
“We see Sebastian and Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas having an impact in the development of our project Greens For Good / Plant Protein Extractor. Sebastian helped with communication & outreach to build the first collaborative cluster around our project. It would be nice to collaboratively further develop this potential and use it in our other endeavors,” Tiberius Brastaviceanu, Sensorica
Collective Mindset: The aim of Proofing Future is the creation of a collective mindset to enable leverage of synergy effects among members and their extended networks in the form of cooperation projects. To achieve this Proofing Future is carefully knitting an integer, social fabric of reliable agents.
Distributed Leadership: To continuously evolve the organization along members interests and needs, Proofing Future invites members into Circles, enabling them to codevelop its organizational collective futures.
Resilience: Proofing Future’s declared goal is the acquisition and consolidation of long-term partnerships for the duration of at least half a year, providing for high reliability in both ways.

Our team
Sebastian Klemm