In her skin: Exploring (personal) space
A walking performance
Friday, November 29, 2019, 7:30 PM - Saturday, November 30, 2019, 12:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: L`inventaire
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe

This performance asks you to not sit still; it asks you to walk, to listen, to watch and to respond. Following a trajectory through a large, dark space, you’ll encounter artists you haven’t seen before and you’ll explore what you feel about their performances, their art and what they have to say about their experiences as women constantly moving in and through personal and public space in the city. You’ll be a flaneur through this multidisciplinary performance, involving design, music, painting, dance and poetry. Take in the impressions, react to and reflect on them and then round off the night in a festive atmosphere with us!
Dates: 29 & 30 November Starting time: 7:30 pm Price: free Register: yes (URL; maximum audience size 50)