Open Collective
Open Collective

Ferrante Crafts


Publisher of Homebrew Game Boy Games

Total amount contributed

€627.28 EUR


Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #628712
↑ Total contributed

€627.28 EUR

↓ Total received with expenses

--.-- EUR


I have always liked making things and have always been learning how to do new things.
So at some point I bought a 3D printer, just because you could do so many interesting things with it. Then I taught myself some (basic) electronics skills and there will always be a next thing to learn or get better at.

Now I am trying to find things I can make, which other people would be interested in having as well.

So the items I make and sell are basically whatever Ferrante Crafts!

After creating my own game cartridges for the Game Boy, and programming my own game which could run on them, I became interested in helping other people sell physical copies of their game as well. So in my shop you will find games programmed by others, and for every physical copy sold, they will receive royalties. Since the homebrew community for the Game Boy is becoming bigger and bigger, it feels great to have so many physical new games being released.

Have you also programmed a game and are interested in publishing it through Ferrante Crafts? Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]