Forest of Dean Climate Action Partnership (FODCAP)
Fiscal Host: Thirty Percy
FODCAP builds effective climate partnerships for a just transition

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Forest of Dean Climate Action Partnership (FODCAP) is all of us
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Thank you for supporting Forest of Dean Climate Action Partnership (FODCAP).

FODCAP is a growing partnership of local communities, businesses and organisations who want urgent and fair climate action. We work together to build a net-zero and climate resilient Forest of Dean.
To reach net-zero by 2030 we need to work together. We need to be fair, visionary and strategic.
FODCAP aims to connect, inspire and enable groups and organisations to take effective action on climate change. We do this by:
- Supporting groups, businesses and organisation within the Forest of Dean to work together.
- Connecting actors at different levels so information, contacts, and knowledge enable effective climate action.
- Connecting those working on climate within the Forest of Dean with learnings, networks, and decision-makers outside the District.
- Involving a greater diversity of people, partners, and groups in climate work, including those not currently active on climate issues.
FODCAP is governed by a steering group of representatives from the partnership. You can learn more about FODCAP’s history and development in our Learnings From The Forest report.
Our team
Leah Treherne