Fund This Setup
Fund long-lasting gear for a wheelchair user whose setup was ruined in the recent destruction of the Near North encampment

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Anna to Fund This Setup •
Credit from Tanner Barnharst to Fund This Setup •
Credit from Guest to Fund This Setup •
$901.89 USD
$901.89 USD
--.-- USD
--.-- USD

A wheelchair user and former resident of the Near North encampment is in need of an accessible tent and cot to replace the setup they had prior to the destruction of NN. Our goal is to get them set up for the winter with long-lasting gear.
ALL funds raised will be used to purchase gear for this individual. If not enough money is raised to buy one or either item, funds will be sent to the individual instead.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
because we have surpassed our goal for purchasing an accessible cot and tent (plus now a warm sleeping bag as well!) any other funds sent to this c... Read more
Fund This Setup is all of us
Our contributors 15
Thank you for supporting Fund This Setup.
Buy the Tent
$300 USD
Buy the Cot
$200 USD
Buy the Cot
$100 USD
Purchase Warm Weather Gear
$50 USD
Becky Radecki
Purchase Warm Weather Gear
$50 USD
Tanner Barnharst
Purchase Warm Weather Gear
$50 USD
Purchase Warm Weather Gear
$30 USD
Purchase Warm Weather Gear
$25 USD
Morgan Thompson
Buy the Tent
$25 USD
Laura Jahnig
Buy the Tent
$25 USD
Purchase Warm Weather Gear
$25 USD
Purchase Warm Weather Gear
$20 USD