Open Collective
Open Collective

The Emergency Payment Fund


This Fund supports those in need with payments up to £20, 1st come 1st serve - but those who have not received a payment this month receive priority.


If you wish to request an Emergency Payment from the Fund, click "actions" above, then "request grant". Write "Emergency Payment" as the title. You can find a video explainer here.

Remember to write "Emergency Payment" as the grant title and description.

The Emergency Payment Fund supports those who have "small" financial needs up and down the UK. Sometimes there is a waiting list due to demand.

If 48 hours passes and we do not have funds to meet your request we will tend to reject the request and ask you reapply later.

If you need are in need of some company and some people to talk to, consider joining The Rec, our "Community Center" server hosted on Discord.

We are ourselves supported by small donations and so any donation, one-time or recurring, will greatly support us & be gratefully received.

To learn more about the Mutual Aid Society and Harmony Party UK, please consider joining us on WhatsApp.

If you wish to make a donation, scroll down! 

Please note that if Open Collective notifies us of duplicate accounts we may reject your request, and if you do not include an address with your bank details we may ask you to redo your request as we only payout to UK bank accounts.

For the same reason, we cannot make payments if given an IBAN.


Transparent and open finances.

Debit from The Emergency Payment Fund to Sarah


Debit from The Emergency Payment Fund to Sapphire Moon

Added funds #837648
Today’s balance

£11.00 GBP

Total raised

£5,214.96 GBP

Total disbursed

£5,203.96 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£1,641.50 GBP


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

One-time contribution
One-time donation (smaller)

Give a small one-time donation to the Emergency Payment Fund.

Starts at
£2 GBP

Latest activity by

One-time contribution
One-time donation (larger)

Give a larger one-time donation to the Emergency Payment Fund.

Starts at
£10 GBP

Latest activity by

+ 10
Recurring contribution
Recurring Donation

Make a custom monthly donation.

Starts at
£2 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 1
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 41