Food security starts at home: from the ground up.
Today's Balance
200 Harvests
per year

Harvest@Home is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Harvest@Home.

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #94542
-£30.95 GBP
Debit from Harvest@Home to Emily Connally •
Today’s balance--.-- GBP
Total raised
£138.52 GBP
Total disbursed
£138.52 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP

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What would you give to feed a family for 10 weeks?
Published on April 27, 2020 by Emily Connally
We all know families who have been hit hard, financially, by COVID-19. Maybe one or both earners have lots wage jobs, or been furloughed with no anticipated income for at least a month. What would you give to lend them a hand, and help t...

Harvest @ Home is a community action group serving hundreds of families in Oxfordshire, UK. Our motto is food security, from the ground up. What we do is empower low income households to become part of their own food supply chain. We provide supplies and support so people can grow their own produce.
Every pound you donate helps families harvest their own produce at home. Our finances will purchase what we need to build garden kits. A full size starter kits include containers, tools, compost, seeds, plants, gloves, fertiliser, and guides. We also offer kid friendly and smaller units, indoor and windowsill containers, or just extra items for people who are already gardening but need a little help due to changes in their financial situation. Our finances will be completed transparent: you can see how much we have been spending, and what we spend it on right here in open collective.
Harvest @ Home is made possible by partnerships with Cherwell Community Larder, Abundance, Co-Grow, Good Food Oxford, Oxford City Farm, Replenish, Community Action Oxfordshire and local councils and allotment associations. Through these partnerships we offer guides throughout the growing season, opportunities to engage and share progress, or trouble shoot, donation drives, and harvest shares. We also have a "trash to treasure" guide which teaches people how to safely recycle their rubbish into harden containers, how to make compost, and how to become more sustainable, one household at a time.
Our short term goals are to help people feed themselves during the COVID-19 crisis. Longer term, however, we are promoting social change toward a more sustainable society. We are equipping low income households with the tools and skills to take ownership over part of their food supply chain.
Every pound you donate helps families harvest their own produce at home. Our finances will purchase what we need to build garden kits. A full size starter kits include containers, tools, compost, seeds, plants, gloves, fertiliser, and guides. We also offer kid friendly and smaller units, indoor and windowsill containers, or just extra items for people who are already gardening but need a little help due to changes in their financial situation. Our finances will be completed transparent: you can see how much we have been spending, and what we spend it on right here in open collective.
Harvest @ Home is made possible by partnerships with Cherwell Community Larder, Abundance, Co-Grow, Good Food Oxford, Oxford City Farm, Replenish, Community Action Oxfordshire and local councils and allotment associations. Through these partnerships we offer guides throughout the growing season, opportunities to engage and share progress, or trouble shoot, donation drives, and harvest shares. We also have a "trash to treasure" guide which teaches people how to safely recycle their rubbish into harden containers, how to make compost, and how to become more sustainable, one household at a time.
Our short term goals are to help people feed themselves during the COVID-19 crisis. Longer term, however, we are promoting social change toward a more sustainable society. We are equipping low income households with the tools and skills to take ownership over part of their food supply chain.