HCCYDSA has been archived.
HCCYDSA has been archived and is no longer active.

All funds have been disbursed to MIT GSU and to SBWU. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to help these unions.

HCCYDSA is all of us
Our contributors 338
Thank you for supporting HCCYDSA.
Ben Roberts
Christopher G...
Lee Kennedy-S...
$500 USD
Laura A Hatfield
$500 USD
Jennifer Allison
$480 USD
Carlos Varón ...
$300 USD
Alexandre Col...
$300 USD
Natalia Mancilla
$300 USD
Colin Bossen
$250 USD
Michael J Kla...
$250 USD
Bruce H. Mann
$250 USD
Andrew Bergman
$220 USD

Transparent and open finances.
-$7,888.50 USD
Credit from Daria Savchenko to HCCYDSA •
Contribution #487037
Credit from Jennifer Allison to HCCYDSA •
Contribution #484009
Today’s balance-$0.97 USD
Total raised
$17,892.50 USD
Total disbursed
$17,893.47 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

This is a community mutual aid fund intended to mitigate financial strain on striking members of the Harvard Graduate Students Union during their first strike, from October 27-29, and any further strike action they take until their strike authorization ends on December 31, 2021.
Information for Donors: Do you know someone on strike or planning to strike with the Harvard Graduate Students Union but are not sure how to support them? Do you take issue with Harvard’s blatant disregard for cost of living, lack of protections for harassment and discrimination, or work hazards that graduate students face? Do you want to support a pro-labor cause? Then this is the place to donate! Please make a one-time donation below. All proceeds will go to strikers facing financial hardship while on strike.* In particular, these proceeds will be used to support strikers with immediate financial needs that cannot be accommodated by HGSU-UAW’s Hardship Fund and that are inadequately addressed by the UAW’s Strike and Defense Fund. Essentially, this fund enables strikers to strike without worrying about making ends meet!
Information for Applicants: Information on how to apply will be made available no less than three days prior to a strike deadline.
*In the event of no strike, or where the entirety of the fund is not used, proceeds will be donated to other hardship funds supporting strikers, including but not limited to UAW John Deere workers, St. Vincent nurses with the Massachusetts Nursing Association, Volvo Workers at UAW Local 2069 who were on strike earlier this year, etc.
Our team
Ben Roberts
Christopher G...