Open Collective
Open Collective



We mobilize humans helping humans into communities, taking solidarity driven non-violent actions, on and off screen driven by collective storytelling.


We mobilize humans helping humans into communities, taking solidarity driven non-violent actions, on and off screen driven by collective storytelling. We struggle against being treated in ways that deny us our humanity by ourselves, each other & the industrial complexes that surround us using mutual solidarity.

  • move from (hopeless, powerless, alone, angry) to (hopeful, seen, not alone, affirmed)
  • watering seeds of systematic anger and direct energy into hope
  • offer a place for fear and powerlessness to be abolished in demonstrations of 
  • address material needs equitably and autonomously


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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+ 1
Become a Sustaining Contributor

Support your neighbors on an ongoing basis through a recurring donation to helpfuljellyfish. These funds go towards buying food and essential suppl... Read more

$0.00 USD of $25,000 USD raised (0%)

Starts at
$5 USD

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Recurring contribution

Means enough petrol for a day’s worth of delivering food parcels to families living in food insecurity

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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One-time contribution
Groceries and Supplies for Families

$50 provides groceries for an individual for a week; $100 provides a family with groceries and supplies for a week.

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One-time contribution
Thursday Community Fridge Fills

$25 provides a fridge with protein options (MEAT!) and produce a week; $50 provides all the fridges with protein options a week

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One-time contribution
Care Kits

Help purchase toiletries for hygiene kits to support our housing secure neighbors.

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Support the following initiatives from helpfuljellyfish.

an intricate network of community members, organizations, and food producers and suppliers to mee...


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #648753

Gas Reimbursement

from Derek Leach to helpfuljellyfish
-$30.00 USD
Contribution #648753
Today’s balance

$407.70 USD

Total raised

$4,414.00 USD

Total disbursed

$4,006.30 USD

Estimated annual budget

$380.00 USD