Open Collective
Open Collective

Free Todd!

Fiscal Host: iam justusforall

Raise 10k for Todd's appeal lawyer to bring him home and overturn his unconstitutional and unjust sentence


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Credit from Hillary Goldstein to Free Todd!

Contribution #834961

Credit from MPP to Free Todd!

Contribution #834590

Credit from Sara M to Free Todd!

Contribution #834587
Today’s balance

$512.99 USD

Total raised

$512.99 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$531.00 USD


In 2017, Todd was taking a nap in his car outside of his work after arriving early. Wilkinsburg police woke him as they were ticketing the street, and performed a "welfare check" and ran his ID. After clearing him originally, the officers told Todd he had to clear the area, and he went to McDonald's to get breakfast. The officers were told to pursue and arrest him, came to the McDonald's and shot him. Miraculously Todd survived. He spent the next 7 years fighting aggravated assault charges meant to justify the shooting. The DA closed the investigation into the shooting before the case ever went to trial. Todd had to fight 4+ years to get his incident report & discovery, and 6+ for video evidence they withheld & lied saying didn't exist. He tried to file against this corruption through the attorney general and internal affairs, both of which suppressed his concerns. His lawyer and judge teamed up against him, and during his trial many of his constitutional rights were violated: he was kicked out of the room for jury selection (he was then tried with an all white jury), the cops perjured themselves on the stand, he was tried and ruled on charges that were severed (made into a separate trial). Todd refused to take a plea for crimes he did not commit, and for which he experienced an unbelievable bout of inhuman acts of mental and emotional suffering and loss of freedom & rights. He has fought on his own writing his own legal arguments, taking his issues to the federal courts and more. Todd was found NOT GUILTY on the aggravated assault charges, which are brought to justify police shootings. Still, Todd was found guilty on the severed charges and sentenced 13-26 years. Due to all the constitutional violations, Todd should get free on appeal. For the first time ever, Todd met a lawyer who understands his fight and is willing to support his path to freedom. The lawyer needs $10,000 to work the appeal. 

Todd knows that if these injustices are happening to him, they are happening to everyone else too. Enough is enough, these injustices should not happen to anyone. He stands on his innocence and fights for freedom so that this cannot happen to anyone else again. While Todd is locked up he looks out for his  brothers around him, designs community programming, and dreams of all humans being free on an international scale, holding to ideas of human rights for everyone, demanded at all costs. It is time to end police and state violence against everyone everywhere. It is time to bring Todd home.

Articles about Todd's case:

Write Todd:
Smart Communications/PADOC
Todd Glover DD7342
SCI Houtzdale
P.O. Box 33028
St. Petersburg, FL 33733

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$250 USD


$150 USD


$50 USD

Hillary Golds...

$36 USD

Adam Hertz

$20 USD


$20 USD

Sara M

$5 USD