Open Collective
Open Collective

iPlug2 Developers

iPlug2 is a free, liberally licensed audio plug-in framework for desktop, mobile and web


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Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

Your support will go towards improving all aspects of the iPlug2 framework, which helps developers create amazing audio plug-ins and apps!

Starts at
$1 USD / month

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Support the following initiatives from iPlug2 Developers.

Add CMake Support alongside existing build system
Fix standalone app audio i/o issues

Top financial contributors

GitHub Sponsors

$7,931.97 USD since Oct 2022

iPlug2 Developers is all of us

Our contributors 4

Thank you for supporting iPlug2 Developers.


Transparent and open finances.

Added funds #834701
Added funds #826175
Added funds #818787
Today’s balance

$30,569.97 USD

Total raised

$32,138.77 USD

Total disbursed

$1,568.80 USD

Estimated annual budget

$3,687.10 USD


iPlug 2 is a simple-to-use C++ framework for developing cross-platform audio plug-ins/apps and targeting multiple plug-in APIs with the same minimalistic code. It abstracts an audio plug-in (IPlug) and its drawing engine/GUI toolkit (IGraphics). IGraphics is a simple UI toolkit with good performance which contains a collection of common controls well suited for audio plug-ins, either using bitmap or vector graphics. Alternatively examples are included showing how you can use technologies such as HTML/CSS or SwiftUI on top of a C++ DSP layer.

The original version of iPlug was released in 2008 as part of Cockos' WDL library. iPlug 2 (2018 onwards) is a substantial reworking that brings multiple vector graphics backends to IGraphics (including GPU accelerated options and HiDPI/scaling), a better approach to concurrency, support for distributed plug-in formats and compiling to WebAssembly via emscripten, amongst many other things.

iPlug 2 targets the CLAP, VST2, VST3, AUv2, AUv3, AAX (Native) and the Web Audio Module (WAM) plug-in APIs. It can also produce standalone win32/macOS apps with audio and MIDI I/O, as well as Reaper extensions.

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