Open Collective
Open Collective

Joysong Collective is transitioning to a new Fiscal Host

Joysong Collective cannot receive contributions at the moment. This page will be updated with more information once the collective transitions to a new Fiscal Host.

Joysong Collective


Joysong Collective is incubator/mystery-school/playgarden for spirit @ work. We are experimenting with new/ancient organizational, financial, and psycho-spiritual infrastructure to support the most potent strands of (y)our life's work.



Joysong Collective is hosting the following events.

Past event
05:00 PM-09:00 PM UTC

Attended by

Past event
03:00 PM UTC
join us for a modern mystery school

Attended by

Joysong Collective is all of us

Our contributors 7

Thank you for supporting Joysong Collective.



$100 USD

Cole Rosner


$66 USD


$100 USD

Nat F

$100 USD

Chris L.S.

$57 USD

Kenan Azam


$40 USD


Transparent and open finances.

Invoice #220981

Debit from Joysong Collective to Kathryn Robinson

Invoice #220979

Joysong Event Printing Expenses

Materials & Supplies
from Matt to Joysong Collective
-$139.84 USD
Reimbursement #221732
Today’s balance

$259.30 USD

Total raised

$2,509.12 USD

Total disbursed

$2,249.82 USD

Estimated annual budget

$278.32 USD


Joysong Collective
a "church of everyday aliveness” 

We live in a time of deep yearning for full-throated aliveness. The dominant, western myths of endless acquisition, increasing control, and individual separation are crumbling. There are macro-catastrophes and geopolitics and revolutions at play. But at some basic level, we simply know in our bones that we can be more fully alive in ways our current paradigms don’t support.

The Joysong Collective is a place to re-discover our fundamental joy, including and especially in the everyday places (like livelihood, parenting, grief) where we are often amnesic to remembering our already-wholeness.

We begin with just three agreements: 
  • To trust our felt sense of alignment and aliveness, 
  • To take whatever arises as the path, and 
  • To know that (seen or unseen) we are not alone.

Our 2023 Experiments

The Fellowship (aka “the Living Inquiry”)
Beginning in September 2023, our first Fellowships will host 6-12 person cohorts through a full year’s inquiry into a strand of deep personal/professional work. Supported by integrative healers, experts (e.g. legal, financial) and the Joysong Council, we will dive into the mystery of our own purpose and explore how to integrate spirit/material concerns. The Fellowship will seed ongoing sub-collectives of mutual support.

The Endowment (aka “The Gift”)
Joysong is raising an Endowment into a perpetual purpose trust, to be stewarded by our local/global community. The Endowment will allow us to explore the flow of gifts (e.g. programs, stipends, seed investments) and  reciprocity (e.g. dana, profit-share, pooled equity). As is the seed, so shall be the fruit. By default, 50% of funds will be allocated into local node projects, starting with the activation of Sebastopol's historic Basso Building in collaboration with Soft Medicine Sanctuary

The Center (aka “a Church of Everyday Aliveness”)
After years of zoom meetings and increased isolation, we are more aware than ever that embodiment matters. We are not floating brains, but creatures of the earth who must be in contact with flesh, land, and each other. We are building a tech-enabled “half-way house” for integrative retreats, workshops, and co-working alongside a teahouse, bathhouse, & healing sanctuary.


Read more about our emergent vision and roadmap at: 

Our team