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Debit from LGTM to shields.io •
Debit from LGTM to shields.io •
Debit from LGTM to shields.io •
Debit from LGTM to shields.io •
Debit from LGTM to shields.io •
Debit from LGTM to shields.io •
Debit from LGTM to shields.io •
Debit from LGTM to shields.io •
Debit from LGTM to shields.io •

by Semmle
Unparalleled security analysis
LGTM’s security analysis is powered by findings from our dedicated team of security researchers, and by contributions from security teams at a number of top tech companies.
Automated code review
Prevent bugs from ever appearing in your project by automatically catching them in the review process before they get merged.
Free for Open Source
LGTM is completely free for open source projects. We integrate with GitHub and BitBucket, and can analyze projects written in Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C and C++.
Deep semantic code search
All of our analyses are open source, and written as queries in Semmle QL, our deep semantic code search engine. You can even write your own queries to find and prevent mistakes or issues that matter to you.