Open Collective
Open Collective


A privacy-first decentralized podcasting platform.


"There are, like, a hundred podcasting platforms—why should I use yours?"

  1. We have built cloud media platforms before and are really good at it.
  2. Our pricing is affordable, transparent, and easy to understand.
  3. We don’t use big tech like AWS or GCP (to the extent possible, b/c these #*$%ers own everything).
  4. Customers have complete ownership and control of their data.
  5. No gimmicky “AI” features.
  6. We block LLM bots from stealing your content (to the extent possible, b/c these #*$%ers are crafty).
  7. Clear content guidelines are strictly enforced to keep awful people off the platform.
  8. We don’t take VC money (not that they would offer it). No one is pressuring us to grow, grow, grow until our product enshittifies and rots away.
  9. We ❤️ you and will always support you.

"Sounds sweet! When can I sign up??"

Easy, tiger. We're excited, too, but we're taking our time to make Limecast amazing. If you want us to notify you when we launch, sign up.

Our team


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

Gain access to all of Limecast's features to create podcasts and episodes.

$10 USD / month
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Limecast is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting Limecast.