Open Collective
Open Collective
Sponsors Update - May 2024
Published on June 14, 2024 by Ruth Cheesley

Hello wonderful Mautic supporters, and a very happy June to you all!

Mautic 5.1 released!

Things are moving along well in the Mautic project, no doubt by now you'll have heard that Mautic 5.1 - Andromeda Edition - was released yesterday after many months of work. This is such a huge accomplishment by every single contributor.

Over 300 pull requests were tested twice, code reviewed and merged in this release. A phenomenal effort! Check out the blog post where you'll find some of the awesome features and improvements that were released, alongside over 100 bug fixes.

I've just published the Open Startup report for May where you can get some insights into how things are going this month financially.

Membership update

We're working hard on bringing in new corporate members which is the mainstay of Mautic's financial stability at this time. We have had some great new members joining, but also a lot who are not in a position to support Mautic financially at this time. We have a small team focused on both identifying agencies and large organizations using Mautic and reaching out to contacts in order to open a discussion about becoming a member. Of course this is much easier if there's a warm introduction, so please do consider opening the discussion with your companies, clients and agencies!

Mautic Conference Global update

We're also starting to see more MautiCon sponsors signing up - with tiers starting at $250 it's a great way to raise awareness across the Mautic ecosystem. Ticket sales are also starting to trickle in, but we won't see the revenue from that until after the event when Open Collective does a bulk journal to move the funds over to us.

Please do consider becoming a sponsor of Mautic Conference Global if you're able to - find more information here or drop us an email at [email protected].

Coding starts in Summer of Code projects

This month we've kicked off the coding phase of our Google Summer of Code projects, with two students working full time for Mautic over the next three months.

The projects can be followed via the Community Portal, where a weekly update is posted to the blog which you can read and comment on by logging in with your Community Login.

Please join us in welcoming both students into the community!

That's it from me this month, thanks so much as always for your continued support of Mautic!

Ruth Cheesley
Mautic Project Lead
[email protected]