Open Collective
Open Collective


Updates on our activities and progress.

Most recent
New release: v0.21.4!
Published on January 12, 2023 by Sam Whited
5 months since v0.21.3,[email protected] has been released! This release fixes a long standing problem where custom implemen...
We've just received news that our former web host is unexpectedly terminating service and may do so unexpectedly in the near future. If you are a company or co-op who wants to sponsor a small VPS capable of hosting our website and chat room...
We are excited to announce that the NLnet Foundation will be supporting the development of end-to-end encryption in the Mellium library with a gran...
Mellium Seeking Paid EU Contributor
Published on October 13, 2022 by Sam Whited
The Mellium project is launching an effort to add OMEMO (e2e encryption) support to the project. We are currently seeking a (paid) con...
Dev Communiqué for August 2022
Published on August 31, 2022 by Sam Whited
Welcome back to the monthly Mellium developer update! This month the major news is the (already announced) releas...
New release: v0.21.3!
Published on August 18, 2022 by Sam Whited
After 4 months of work, we are happy to announce that[email protected] has been released! This release fixe...
Dev Communiqué for July 2022
Published on July 31, 2022 by Sam Whited
Welcome back, it's been a few months! Though Mellium progress continues to be slow due to scheduling changes at my day job, we had a few important updates this month that I wanted to let everyone know about. Most importantl...
For the last few years we’ve accepted patches on both GitHub and Sourcehut and used Sourcehut for our CI system. We have tried to move entirely to Sourcehut in the past but it ended up...
Dev Communiqué for April 2022
Published on April 30, 2022 by Sam Whited
April continued to be a slow month for Mellium, but never the less we have some exciting updates to report! But first, the stats!9 commits to...
After 2 months, we're back with our next release, [email protected]! This release fixes bugs in the websocket, pubsub, and mux packag...
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