The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows and Mac.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$750 USD since Apr 2017
$735 USD since May 2017
$700 USD since Aug 2017
$540 USD since Apr 2017
$500 USD since May 2017
$390 USD since Jun 2017
$300 USD since Jan 2021
$290 USD since May 2017
$275 USD since Apr 2018
$220 USD since Apr 2017
$1,300 USD since Aug 2020
$345 USD since May 2017
$58 USD since Oct 2021
$50 USD since Sep 2018
$45 USD since Oct 2021
$15 USD since Oct 2021
$6 USD since Oct 2020
MvvmCross is all of us
Our contributors 53
Thank you for supporting MvvmCross.
Tomasz Cielecki
$750 USD
Nicolás Milcoff
$250 USD
Jelle Damen
$735 USD
Claudio Sanchez
$700 USD
Martijn van Dijk
$540 USD
Full Stack
$500 USD
Aaron LaBeau
$390 USD
Pronama LLC
$345 USD
Manuel Eugster
$300 USD
Maurits Van B...
$290 USD
Ivan Mir
$275 USD

Transparent and open finances.
$7,330.56 USD
$8,167.67 USD
$837.11 USD
$136.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from MvvmCross
Updates on our activities and progress.
MvvmCross 9.2.0 Release
.NET 6 support coming soon

With MvvmCross you can write native apps without compromising on performance or look and feel. MvvmCross supports a very wide variety of platforms. It allows you to share business logic and behavior between these platforms.
MvvmCross is an opinionated Framework, which tries to cover most common use cases and provides a very wide variety of features to support these. Among these features there is:
- Service Locator
- Dependency Injection (constructor and property)
- ViewModel to ViewModel navigation
- Support for a lot of platform specific presentation modes (tabs, hamburger menu and more)
- Lots of official and 3rd party plugins for sensors, contacts, settings and more
What Will The Money Be Used For?
The initial goal would be $x,000 per month. That money would be used towards hiring a maintainer part time. MvvmCross is seeing quite a lot of uptake. More and more developers use MvvmCross. This in turn means more issues to triage, more questions asked on StackOverflow, Slack and other means.
Having someone part time, would help speeding some of these things up and hopefully relieve the core maintainers and let them focus on fixing issues and improving the framework.
We would also love to improve our documentation by hiring someone writing new documentation and improving on current.
Dream Scenario
This will change everything! If we could get $xx,000 per month, it would be enough to get MvvmCross very far. It would enable us to hire a maintainer full time or perhaps two maintainers part time.
We would be able to deliver better out of the box experience, more extensive documentation, ship fixes to issues faster. Help other projects we depend on fix their issues quicker and much more.
Our team
Tomasz Cielecki
Nicolás Milcoff