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Back-End Infrustructure

Part of: MyPaint

I'm working on consoidating our infrusture to make contribuiting code to MyPaint much easier to parcipitate in.


Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #792018
Today’s balance

$8.01 USD

Total raised

$8.01 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$10.00 USD


I am working on getting all the back-end infrastructure upgraded and refactored. The goal is to consolidate any assets that MyPaint has into a single area and have at least two admins keeping an eye on things. Here is a breakdown of what I'm working on:

Short-Term Goals:
  • Move Domains from to 
  • Fix broken links on community forums. 
  • Transfer the domain to where domain resides.
  • Forward the domain to point to the open collective page. 
  • Transfer Community Forums Server from Altispeed to MyPaintOrg on Digital Ocean VPS
  • Transition MyPaint Website from using Jekyle to Hugo to simplify web development.
Long-Term Goals:
  • Work on getting MyPaint to reach out on more social sites such as Twitter and Mastodon.
  • Take over Flatpak builds of MyPaint on flathub
  • Simplify Builds services for Appimage and Windows Builds
  • Use Digital Oceans Object Storage to Deploy builds for Windows and Appimage Builds
  • Overhaul MyPaint Website.
  • Start the documentation Process for MyPaint Brush Engine.
  • Host MyPaint Booth for LinuxFest Northwest in October.
I probably have other things that I will need to get done in terms of infrastructure. As I get each goal done I will cross them out here till they are all done. Over time goals might change and if that happens I will make sure to add Edit marks down below. After that, I will like to start campaigning to get a part-time developer on board.

Edit 3/29/23: added goal of fixing broken links on the community forums.

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