Open Collective
Open Collective

Next Steps Project


Taking the International Permaculture CoLab through the next steps of development


Become a financial contributor.


Support the following initiatives from Next Steps Project.

Funding research, grant writing & maintaining the funding opportunities database

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Work supporting diversity and decolonisation work with a variety of apporaches including diversit...

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Community chosen emergent projects in line within the colab's VMAs

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Welcoming and induction activities read about section for a more detailed description

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Communications and Engagement Activites see description for a more details description

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Open Badges developement and implementation acknowledging different kinds of learning and recogni...

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Provision of tech services, hosting and access to ethical tools

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Supporting projects in addressing their challenges and evaluating and measuring impact.

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Enhancing exisitng skills and bringing in new skills to match the needs identified in the community.

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R&D practical solutions to major challenges of our time including water shortages, loss of biodiv...

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Research and development digital products for the colab and allied networks

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Research, testing and prototyping into inclusive ways that is documented and shared widely within...

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A celebration of all the different permaculture convergences around the world with opportunities ...

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Building on the research carried out in the last years

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Next Steps Project is hosting the following events.

Past event
04:00 PM-05:30 PM UTC
learn how to use openproject, ask questions experiment and find out how this opensource tool can ...Read more
Past event
04:00 PM-05:30 PM UTC
a run through how to use nextcloud, how to effectively share documents, limit share access, use d...Read more
Past event
04:00 PM-05:30 PM UTC
Minimum Viable Academy invites you to explore cross-network collaboration methods inspired by bio...Read more


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

£17,928.25 GBP

Total raised

£358,245.20 GBP

Total disbursed

£340,316.95 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£120,000.00 GBP


Project objectives:

Our overall aims and specific objectives
  •  Support a wide variety of research including: on the ground permaculture response to climate change, making the permaculture global movement more visible, attempt to bridge the funding gap and continue building on research done in the last years on how better to support permaculture gatherings/events/convergences.

  •  Ensure continuous training available to the permaculture CoLab members and allied networks including the Global Regeneration CoLab and the Deep Adaptation Forum and others

  •  Ensure services remain available for the CoLab to remain operational including a number of identified key roles and support roles/activities including digital tech support, project management, financial administration, governance support and now including communications and monitoring and evaluation among others

  •  Enable the growth of the community through community engagement practices from within and without

  •  Diversity & Decolonization fund to ensure we keep our spaces as accessible as possible

  •  Leaving room for emergent energies within the current and evolving projects

Our team

Jyo Maan

Core Contributor

Pushpak parmar

Core Contributor

Kate Swatridge

Core Contributor

Charlie Wilson

Have a great day y'all

Anton Oussik

Core Contributor

Daniel Attwell

Core Contributor

Hans Ryding

Core Contributor

Tetiana Medukha

Core Contributor

Aline VaMo

Core Contributor


Core Contributor

Cormac Harkin

Core Contributor

Julius Pisch-...

Core Contributor