Part of: OneLiteFeather
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe
A simple plugin to prevent and detect redstone clocks

This plugin is inspired by
We re-created the whole code and improved everything. On top, we support Plotsquared v7 and Worldguard v7.
The goal of this plugin is to detect redstone clocks, inform staff or console about active ones and optionally destroy / disable the redstone clocks so your server can save performance for something else. Also it can prevent players doing harm with heavy clocks, but this is more of a side effect.
Not a goal
It's not planned to support Paper forks or spigot directly - this plugin is developed to work on Paper, if you are using a fork of paper or spigot and it doesn't work because of your fork, you are likely on your own then. Also this plugin is not a "performance tool", it won't make your server run better directly. Third, support from 1.13 backwards likely won't happen.
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