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Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
We are a global community measuring Internet censorship since 2012.
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$2,000 USD since Apr 2022
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Other · Divested Collectives
from Open Observatory of Network Interference to OONI •
-$1,741.70 USD
Contribution #531810
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$1,741.70 USD
Total disbursed
$1,741.70 USD
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--.-- USD
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Updates from the OONI-verse
Published on December 14, 2020 by Maria Xynou
Since 2012, the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) aims to empower decentralized efforts in increasing transparency of internet censorship around the world.
To this end, we work on:
- Free software for measuring internet censorship. Through our OONI Probe app, you can measure the blocking of websites, instant messaging apps, and circumvention tools, and you can measure network performance. We aim to empower the public to independently detect information controls on the internet.
- Real-time analysis and open publication of censorship measurements from around the world. As soon as you run OONI Probe, your test results are automatically openly published within minutes (unless you have opted-out from publication). OONI Explorer and the OONI API enable the public to track censorship events around the world in real-time based on openly available measurement data that can potentially serve as evidence.
- Research reports documenting censorship events around the world. In collaboration with our partners, we publish research reports documenting cases of internet censorship around the world. These reports share relevant OONI measurements and aim to enable human rights defenders, journalists, activists, and lawyers to use these censorship findings as part of their work.
By increasing transparency of internet censorship, we aim to support public debate and promote social justice on the internet.