Operation Instigation
Creating conduits of resources for the underserved & underrepresented
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Financial Contributions
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Operation Instigation Fund
A little can make a huge impact - a contribution of 30 US dollars covers the cost of youth transportation for one month! * $35 USD - additional b... Read more
Starts at
€20 EUR
Support the following initiatives from Operation Instigation.
Help underserved communities soar and reach for their potential.
Operation Instigation is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Operation Instigation.
Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
-€1,066.39 EUR
-€1,442.47 EUR
Today’s balance--.-- EUR
Total raised
€2,508.86 EUR
Total disbursed
€2,508.86 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Operation Instigation
Updates on our activities and progress.
New Contribution!
We have wonderful news! A donor who wishes to remain anonymous has made a €15,000 contribution to the Instigating Excellence project. This donation will enable the initial trip and meetings in South Africa to commence this month to line up...
Published on November 1, 2023 by Alycia Lee
For the majority of Instigation's start, it has dedicated their efforts to creating conduits of resources for the underserved and underserved mostly in the global south. Instigation's founder, Alycia Lee, considers this the primary driving force of why she works so diligently and passionately for clients; so that she can contribute to a legacy of bright futures in the world.
The ambition of Operation Instigation is to disrupt destructive patterns of injustice, establish new
pathways by imparting knowledge, and empower participants and communities to ownership
and autonomy over their future. For this reason, we always seek out budding local leaders to
equip, continue and contextualise what begins. Basically, it our aim to work ourselves out of
a community that is self-sustaining and vibrant from within.
All of our projects aim to create trainers who can teach in their own language, adapt the material
to their cultural context and learnings within their own communities and beyond.
Although it has never been a solo effort, most of the resources for social actions have been funded by Alycia, her husband and private donations. We are creating this charitable fund, named Operation Instigation to increase our scope and scale
The ambition of Operation Instigation is to disrupt destructive patterns of injustice, establish new
pathways by imparting knowledge, and empower participants and communities to ownership
and autonomy over their future. For this reason, we always seek out budding local leaders to
equip, continue and contextualise what begins. Basically, it our aim to work ourselves out of
a community that is self-sustaining and vibrant from within.
All of our projects aim to create trainers who can teach in their own language, adapt the material
to their cultural context and learnings within their own communities and beyond.
Although it has never been a solo effort, most of the resources for social actions have been funded by Alycia, her husband and private donations. We are creating this charitable fund, named Operation Instigation to increase our scope and scale
Over the past 15 years, Instigation has funded and offered:
▪ Over 400 hours per year of free coaching
▪ Grants or purchases of needed equipment like computers,
▪ calculators, school kits, etc.
▪ School fees and scholarships
▪ Transportation
▪ Cross-cultural experiences
Operation Instigation has worked in Brazil, China, D.R. Congo, England, Germany, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Uganda, United States and counting!
Our team
Alycia Lee