Open Collective
Open Collective

GM Jokers Solidarity Pot


To support members of the GM Jokers with one off or ongoing costs which enable their participation in the network and support them with the cost of living


Transparent and open finances.

-£1,867.34 GBP
-£1,162.68 GBP
-£883.33 GBP
Today’s balance

£4,190.76 GBP

Total raised

£32,000.00 GBP

Total disbursed

£27,809.24 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£32,000.00 GBP


The GM Jokers administers a solidarity fund, the purpose of which is to help relieve material poverty for individuals whilst maintaining the highest levels of dignity possible. Wherever possible, the Our Agency network and the GM Jokers aim for people to receive their own income which they can spend how they wish. There are cases where receiving income may cause harm or legal complications for individuals, for example if they are in receipt of state benefits or where they have no recourse to public funds. The solidarity fund can only be used for specific items which can be evidenced via receipts rather than time. Items which the GM Jokers have stated they would like to use the fund for include one off items (such as Christmas presents), support with any emergencies or crises members of the GM Jokers may be struggling with, any ongoing costs that members may need support with. The solidarity fund will also include payments to enable the GM Jokers to undertake learning or decision making or other relevant activities together (e.g. room hire, facilitation, refreshments, childcare, travel etc). Members will be responsible for seeking advice around how any payments received need to be declared to Her Majesties Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and/or the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). 


Rather than limiting ourselves to a traditional expenses policy which sets out how to reclaim expenses which are incurred as a result of ‘work’ which has been carried out, such as travel costs, room hire or art materials, we want to set out the ways in which we can stand in solidarity with you and make it as simple, easy and dignified as possible to access the fund. So in addition to the things we have spoken about already (room hire etc), we want you to be able to use this fund to pay for things such as energy bills, clothing or most other expenses which are making the cost of living too high for you.  


Principles and values 


The following principles underpin the work of the Our Agency network and the GM Jokers: 


Anti-exploitation - ie material poverty is not permitted, freedom and agency is prioritised, and oppression is opposed. 

Collective decision making and mutual accountability, and; 

The valuing of the contribution of all, whatever their aspirations, needs and abilities – i.e. whether people’s activities are conventionally productive (work/income generation) or focused, for example, on artistic endeavour, or on care, recovery and/or healing. 

The way the GM Jokers, as part of the Our Agency network, administers expenses will be in keeping with these principles. 

To draw down from the GM Jokers solidarity pot please contact Matt, Fatou or Uju and discuss your situation and what would be most helpful at this moment in time. Remember, this is money which belongs to the group, and we do not want you to feel like you are having to come to us cap in hand to justify why exactly you need it for. 

For payments which take members over their notional individual allocation (and therefore affect others), there needs to be group discussion and agreement (with decisions recorded). 

All payments will be viewable by all members via the Open Collective system and the network will discuss and review the fund regularly.   

Our team


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