❤️🔥 Adventure Journal Entry #02: Purposing
Published on November 29, 2022 by Kath 💚
Circle Logbook
November 17, 2022
Adventurers: Bunny, Trent, Dzava, Alicia, Daya and Kath
Video Story (38 min)
⚓ Anchoring in our breath
🧘🏼♀️ Contemplating evolutionary purpose
In my second journal entry to dear AJ, I share from my first quest trying to be in conversation with PlanetHive’s evolutionary purpose. It was a gentle reminder to keep letting go of any conscious and unconscious preconceptions about PlanetHive, and the natural form it might want to grow. 🌺
What I have learned about myself adventuring in the sphere of purpose this first month in the Venus Retreat might not come as a surprise for many of you, but it might for some: I am an escape artist and adventurer embracing vanity on a journey of refinement, balancing soul and mind in an aspiration to seek purity from the heart. ❤️🔥
You can imagine there was much for me to inquire into and contemplate deeply. The precious time I spent in silence during my moontime has helped me to, once again, detach myself from any outcomes. With my newly gained understanding, I see nothing I can manifest. There is only an emerging process I can try to hold wholeheartedly by being present and learning to embody the alignment between my values and behaviors. 🧬
Adventuring the outer realms
Questing evolutionary purpose
During the Learning Circle, I said PlanetHive is here to change the narrative of climate justice activism from fighting against the system to being champions of love for Mother Earth.
And while this feels right, true, and beautiful, I couldn’t ignore a lingering question in my gut: Is this big enough? Considering an evolutionary purpose is something that might always be beyond reach. ✨
Adventuring the inner realms
Having found a deeper, more profound level of self-trust and trust in life, I am also more courageous to not escape from my relationships. Instead, I am committed to learning to see through my judgmental mind to embrace hidden emotional charges by accepting, forgiving, and loving myself to balance the emotional overwhelm I’ve experienced for most of my life. For a born rebel like me, it feels like learning a new heART. 🥷🏼
In my words to AJ, I share how I try to navigate the ocean of love by listening to and discerning between my gut, heart, and head. If you are curious, please take your time to read my second Journal Entry. ❤️🔥
The next quest in the Learning Challenge will see me dancing with PlanetHive’s source idea, and I will journal about honoring my moontime and how the sacred practice has brought a never known wealth into my life. Trent and I are playing with NFTs in multiple dimensions, which you can probably follow best on mirror, a web3 publishing tool. ♾️
The selfless and generous support I have received since I started my naked Drahtseilakt (German for balancing act) has been priceless. I am deeply grateful for the many gentle nudges of wisdom and inquiries that help me grow into the Steward Leader I wish to be; and the one-off and monthly financial contributions that allow me to live this adventure of mine. Thanks to you, I feel a heavy, limiting weight lifting off my shoulders, making space for a different grounding force. One that constrains me but doesn’t limit me: An utterly deep sense of responsibility. 🙇🏼♀️
A few backs, someone said contributing to my right livelihood through Open Collective is like inviting me to a virtual coffee, tea, or lunch. This beautiful storyline stayed with me because I would so love to enjoy this invitation in the physical world, yet in reality, this is rather challenging. Until we might meet in real life, and if you can, I wholeheartedly receive your virtual contribution that makes all the difference to my reality today. 🙃🙏🏼
With gratitude and love,
Kath 💚