Power in Place: Leapfrogging the Innovation Gap through Capability Expansion & Tech Literacy
third mobilizing event to support "Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments"
Thursday, November 25, 2021, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC+01:00)

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Power in Place: Leapfrogging the Innovation Gap through Capability Expansion & Tech Literacy
Updates on our activities and progress.
Inspiring Input from Abril Chimal ahead of our event
Published on November 24, 2021 by Sebastian Klemm
Inspiring Input from Faso Medical team ahead of our event
Published on November 24, 2021 by Sebastian Klemm
New Publication: Enabling Work for Solidarity, Justice Movements and building the Commons – an interview with Alanna Irving
Dear supporter, explore our newest publication where Alanna Irving elaborates how the Open Collective platform can facilitate transparent fiscal hosting for project initiatives, movements and community groups to sustain their collective act...
Published on November 22, 2021 by Sebastian Klemm

This is the third in a series of mobilizing events in support of our project Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments.
THU 25 NOV, 5.00-6.00pm CEST
👉 Get your ticket and reveice the Meeting Link
THU 25 NOV, 5.00-6.00pm CEST
👉 Get your ticket and reveice the Meeting Link
Adding insights & discussion starters at this event:
- Shihab Quader [Yunus Centre, https://vaccinecommongood.org/]
- Kadidiatou dem Tangara, Leïla Keita [Kabakoo.Africa, Faso-Medical]
- Abril Chimal [Participatory Futures Global Swarm]
- Dr. Nikola Markovic [Social Impact Network]
- John Crowley [PHGD group]
- Sebastian Klemm [Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas]
This event offers you the opportunity to:
- Discuss your interests.
- Get inspired by & exchange with impulse givers as well as among all attendees.
- Collectively identify possible solutions to issues like:
- Why is improving equity in sustainable access to safe, high quality and effective medical treatments important in your context?
- What kind of disparities cause inadequate and unequal access to medical treatments to date in your context? (Perhaps, what regulations fuel these disparities?)
- Tech & Data Literacy: How can citizens be turned into researchers, researchers into community leaders and communities into solvers - to help create solutions that they want and need?
- Does addressing global health inequalities come before protecting intellectual property rights?
- What positive examples do you know of that made a difference by sharing intellectual property rights, know-how or technology for the common good in regard of health data, medicines, vaccines or medical treatments?
- A fundamental right to scientific freedom is not protected in all countries: How could scientific freedom become a global common good?
- How do you reflect on the innovation gap & what levers do you identify to overcome the inequality of innovative activity with regard to healthcare?
- In his book “The End of Poverty” economist Jeffrey Sachs writes “Over the span of two centuries, the innovation gap is certainly one of the most fundamental reasons why the richest and the poorest countries have diverged, and why the poorest of the poor have not been able to get a foothold on growth. The rich move from innovation to greater wealth to further innovation; the poor do not. (…) In most poor countries, especially smaller ones, the innovation process usually never gets started. Innovators do not invent because they know that they will not be able to recoup those large, fixed costs of developing a new product. Impoverished governments cannot afford to back the basic sciences in government labs and in universities. And the scientists do not stay. The result is an inequality of innovative activity that magnifies the inequality of global incomes."
Your event ticket further enables you to:
- Learn and directly network throughout this event discussions
- Access all our follow up mobilizing events with various topical emphasis regarding "Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments"
- Review previous meetings' recordings, chats, introductions, contacts.
- Gain visibility by being named in each interview publication of "Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments" series, published through ProofingFuture’s information dissemination channels
- Get ability to influence the priority of measures on the "Recommendation of Action" list, the focused outcome of the project "Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments"
- Proceeds from these tickets are governed among all impulse givers, free to decide payout or dedication for the project fund*
- *the stake for Sebastian Klemm will definitely be channeled into the project fund "Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments"
Our team
Sebastian Klemm

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #496910
Today’s balance€20.00 EUR
Total raised
€20.00 EUR
Total disbursed
--.-- EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR