Dear AirForAll Citizens Testing Group members and interested, we welcome you to this weeks meeting opportunity: INVITE How Citizens can use the AirForAll toolkit and platform THU 15 February 3:00-3:30pm CE...
Get to know each other in the international Citizens Testing Group
Share ideas about the project realization
Have time for questions & answers
Plan out next mutual steps
We look forward to welcoming you!
Air for All is an Erasmus+ cofunded project that aims to gather a set of digital knowledge tools to help citizens to better understand the effects of air pollution and climate change, and how to collaborate in the collection of data related to air pollutants and emissions of greenhouse gases on a local and global scale.
The purpose of the Citizens Testing Group will be to assess the usability of the digital knowledge tools that will be elaborated in the project: Therefor, the Citizens Testing Group will [1] be asked to actively review and feedback on the evolved digital knowledge tools, as well as [2] be invited to brief discussions in transnational project meetings and workshop events at key moments in the project, and for the above will [3] be expected a total time commitment of about 10-16 hours in-between March 2023 and February 2024. Participation in the Citizens Testing Group is on a voluntary basis and therefore without financial remuneration.
Air for All is an Erasmus+ cofunded project evolving a knowledge toolkit for [1] helping citizens to better understand the effects of air pollution, emissions and climate change, and for [2] helping cities to leverage civic participation for air quality data collection. AirForAll will also [3] launch a digital, freely accessible platform for knowledge transfer (= this forum) for capacity building on EU and international level.
AirForAll has been originated by members of the Air Quality Organisation Västmanland (Sweden), Ideas For Change (Spain) and Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas (Germany) _ Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. _