Open Collective
Open Collective

Queer Haus

We have a burning desire to create a social media space where queers are free from censorship and surveillance.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
Social Ant

Set up a small monthly donation to help us grow the project long term 🐜

Starts at
€2 EUR / month

Latest activity by

+ 17
One-time contribution
Confident Dolphin

Send a one time donation to help us gather funds for the project 🐬

Starts at
€5 EUR

Latest activity by

+ 17

Queer Haus is all of us

Our contributors 39

Thank you for supporting Queer Haus.

Erin Storm


€760 EUR

happy to help

Vincent Reynaud


€195 EUR



Leonhardt Wille

Social Ant

€530 EUR

We can go a long way if we each give a little bit


Social Ant

€280 EUR


Social Ant

€240 EUR


Social Ant

€144 EUR


Social Ant

€134 EUR

here for the friendships

Olivia Jack

Social Ant

€75 EUR


Social Ant

€60 EUR


Social Ant

€60 EUR

Antonina Kara...

Social Ant

€54 EUR


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #102880
Contribution #102092
Contribution #102880
Today’s balance

€37.54 EUR

Total raised

€2,677.59 EUR

Total disbursed

€2,640.05 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€290.00 EUR


Queer Haus is a collective with a burning desire to create a social media space where queers, sex workers, and other oppressed minorities can participate under the light of queer feminist anti-racist hacker values. For all of us, it is important to guarantee that Queer Haus is an alternative social platform independent from corporate sponsorships. Because of our politics and values, we want to continue working to improve the features of the platform and continue the exchange with its members, free from commercial bias.

We want to challenge the dependency on the big-tech monopolies and create a safer digital social space for marginal and oppressed queer communities, without mining nor monetizing from personal and private data, and without surveilling our online interactions. We believe that providing a critical alternative is of the utmost importance, particularly during the current times of physical distancing, domestic isolation, and heightened online surveillance. We want to contribute to an Internet governed by smaller communities instead of profit driven corporations.

Queer Haus is our digital "planet" in the distributed social media network called "the fediverse". Much like with our emails, where we are free to choose our own provider, with the fediverse you are free to choose your own community in this network. Each community often has it's own servers and can have its own rules and policies.

Despite running on open-source software and being fuelled on labor of love (aka volunteer work), to maintain Queer Haus we have unavoidable costs to pay for hosting services. For this reason, in times when so many face financial hardship, we would like to ask for those who wish and can afford, to support Queer Haus by making a donation on our Open Collective - a donation service that allows for the transparency of our expenses. You can make a recurring monthly or a one-time donation. 
Every support counts.

Thank you!
QH Team

Our team

Erin Storm

happy to help

