Open Collective
Open Collective

Become a contributor

These are all the ways you can help make our community sustainable.

Custom contribution
One-Time Donation

Contribute to our cause in making parkour accessible, inclusive and welcoming to all from as low as £1. Your donation helps us with running costs, ... Read more

Starts at
£1 GBP

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One-time contribution
Sponsor a free class!

Your donation helps someone who is a refugee, asylum seeker, care leaver, unwaged and struggling to pay for a free coached class at Fluidity Freeru... Read more

£14 GBP

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Be the first one to contribute!
Merchandise / Socials

Rainbowlaces (rainbow, bi, pan, lesbian, ace, trans), t-shirts and tanks. Please message Jia Wei to put in your order prior to paying.

Starts at
£1 GBP

Latest activity by

+ 12
Recurring contribution
Become a QPC friend!

Your donation contributes to the running costs, community and mental health initiatives, and enabling accessibility to free coached parkour classes... Read more

Starts at
£5 GBP / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!

Queer Parkour Cardiff is currently raising funds to train up 2 community coaches to provide free parkour classes for the intersectional LGBTQIA+ co... Read more

£914.86 GBP of £895 GBP raised (102%)

Starts at
£5 GBP

Latest activity by

+ 16
Building a fund for free coached parkour sessions for refugees, asylum seekers, care leavers, and...

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