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Housing St John's Camp

Fiscal Host: Queertopia

Fundraising to pay rent for residents of St. John's Camp


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #804545
Contribution #820244
Contribution #816273
Today’s balance

$38,638.92 USD

Total raised

$38,638.92 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$11,831.00 USD


Queertopia has been working alongside St John’s since 2021 to provide resources and support towards housing. This historically Black neighborhood is constantly being gentrified- pushed out of their legacy homes and treated like strangers in a town they created. St. John's was once a thriving Black community- now the city does Nothing proactive to preserve these homes and help these families even survive.

From 2021-2022, Queertopia did not stop pressuring the city until 40 members of St John’s camp were picked up for housing- the highest number of women and highest number of Black Austinites the city has ever included in their HEAL program. The city previously claimed this camp would never be a HEAL site. We worked together with the camp as a family to build cold weather structures, get all of their documents, all of their warrants dropped, start housing applications, etc.

Unfortunately, many of those folks were kicked out of the city’s housing program due to lack of understanding of trauma informed care, lack of harm reduction, and lack of community partnerships- shutting the campers off from their support systems. It is now 2024- the Home Depot lot has finally been cleared and St. John's Park is on constant threat of demolition -which will make it even more difficult to find our friends who we have been raising funds for years for/ and who occasionally get assigned vouchers through other programs.

Queertopia is still the main service provider for the unhoused community at St. John's. Each year we rent a hotel (through Instagram fundraising, not Open Collective) during the coldest week of the year so that pwud still have access to what they need and are not declining shelter to be forced to use in potentially life threatening conditions outside. We provide boots on the ground vital document ordering and advocacy. This Juneteenth we were able to rent a hotel for everyone from St John's who wanted to go (40 people) so that Black people would not be sleeping on concrete while white people are lounging at their homes off from work on a Black holiday.

(Needs update from 9/23-7/24:)
CFV Rent Spent
$9553.40 move- in costs
$19,542 in 2022 rent
$32,149 as of September 2023 rent
TOTAL $61,244.40

In the time this Open Collective has been up- y’all have supported us getting 15 people into housing at Community First Village, with 6 peoples’ rent being paid for an entire year before they successfully took rent over via jobs or benefits. Funds have also been used for emergency assistance to avoid evictions for anyone else when late. This includes when Social Security Administration does not get people's benefits checks to them on time and CFV charges a late fee. EVERY person Queertopia has financially assisted through this fund has been Black or Indigenous AND either an elder, queer, or a sex worker. Our current waitlist is comprised only of Black and Indigenous sex workers. It is not ideal to default to CFV, which is on the outskirts of Austin and who evicts tenants on the 2nd month rent is late, as opposed to keeping Black Austinites in their neighborhoods- but this is Austin’s current liberal wet dream of a homelessness solution and one of the only tangible options for folks without vouchers.

We currently sponsor 2 people’s monthly rent through our "reparations" tier plus assisting a third person who can't make their rent. We only have 3 more folks on our multi year long waitlist before reopening it! But now, thanks to discriminatory evictions, we are having to place several folks back on the list and locate other housing options.

*For transparency- Queertopia was not initially financially responsible for the waitlist made in 2022 with two other organizations, but once HEAL came through, the very well funded org who was approved $100k to payroll the campers at CFV abandoned all responsibility, leaving QT with the choice of abandoning the waitlist as well or spending years finding funding on our own, through incredible community like you. We do not abandon our friends. If Queertopia has one golden rule- it is always be intentional, always be transparent. Housing is a human right.
PSS: That whole "today's balance" thing is really frustratingly inaccurate. Idk why it does not show an accurate representation of our current funds.

Our team


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Hire Shanice to be our Volunteer Coordinator

Introducing Queertopia's new Volunteer Coordinator...Shanicey Piecey!! After a year of sobriety from crack (fucking wow), Shanice feels ready to gi... Read more

$29 USD of $1,200 USD / month raised (2%)

Starts at
$5 USD / month

Latest activity by

Hire Pauline to be our Community Care Coordinator

Queertopia needs someone who lives at CFV paid to do weekly check-ins to make sure our friends are consistently cared for. Folks have been hit by c... Read more

$60 USD of $1,000 USD / month raised (6%)

Starts at
$5 USD / month

Latest activity by

+ 4

Pay the monthly rent for a Black Austinite who has been gentrified out of their home. Our goal is to pay each person’s rent for one year.

$441.10 USD of $1,800 USD / month raised (25%)

$450 USD / month

Latest activity by

Welcome Home!

Pay the move in costs to get someone out of homelessness: this includes first month rent, security deposit, and application fee.

$1,651.51 USD of $4,500 USD raised (37%)

$900 USD

Latest activity by

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 32

Housing St John's Camp is all of us

Our contributors 36

Thank you for supporting Housing St John's Camp.

Ashley Lewis


$13,233 USD


Welcome Home!

$852 USD


Hire Pauline to be our Comm...

$550 USD


Hire Pauline to be our Comm...

$225 USD


$180 USD


$120 USD

Rosanna Kressin

Hire Pauline to be our Comm...

$100 USD

jourdan bartels

Hire Pauline to be our Comm...

$60 USD


$50 USD


Hire Pauline to be our Comm...

$13,000 USD


Welcome Home!

$852 USD


$340 USD


$120 USD


$100 USD

Sloan Rucker

$50 USD


$50 USD

Molly Coffman

$640 USD


Hire Pauline to be our Comm...

$225 USD


Hire Pauline to be our Comm...

$200 USD


Hire Shanice to be our Volu...

$145 USD

Susan B

$100 USD


$100 USD

Jill Patton

$50 USD

Britt Ness

$50 USD