Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Development Fund to RadHR •
Credit from Development Fund to RadHR •
phase one
Credit from Development Fund to RadHR •

RadHR is a space where groups and organisations working for a more sustainable and just society come together to share the nuts and bolts—the policies, practices and stories—of how we organise ourselves in line with our values.
This includes things like:
- Leave policies that take the importance of caring responsibilities seriously;
- Group structures that help share power, leadership and decision-making;
- Ways to recruit people who aren’t the usual suspects;
- Safeguarding policies that actually make people feel safe;
- Grievance processes that support people’s needs and don’t penalise, shame or punish.
We are a free, open, and collaborative resource built by people from community groups, mutual aid organisations, workers coops, activist groups and NGOs. All are interested in learning ways of working together that help us look after each other, make our groups more equitable and resilient, and challenge the power structures in the wider world.