Open Collective
Open Collective

REconomistas Community of Practice


REconomistas is a virtual community of practice focusing on supporting regenerative entrepreneurs and community organisers worldwide to spread ideas that work. We are all contributing to citizen-led economic transition.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

Become a backer for €5.00 per month and support us

Starts at
€5 EUR / month

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Recurring contribution

Become a sponsor for €100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
€100 EUR / month

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+ 23


REconomistas Community of Practice is hosting the following events.

Past event
01:00 PM-03:30 PM UTC
An experiment in trans-local reciprocity, conviviality and solidarity.

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
12:00 PM-01:00 PM UTC
Embrace the power of translocal connections and bring your project to the forefront for a more su...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
12:00 PM-01:00 PM UTC
Twinning Reconomy Places and the next Trans-Local Entrepreneur Forum / Geminação de REconomy Plac...Read more

Attended by

Past event
12:00 PM-01:30 PM UTC
an experiment in building trans-local knowhow, capacity, and collaboration

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
10:00 AM-11:00 AM UTC
Are you working for economic transformation in your place? Please join us for a casual meet up wi...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
12:00 PM-01:30 PM UTC
Participatory practices, such as the 'collective intelligence' and 'co-development', can help cre...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
11:00 AM-01:00 PM UTC
This online workshop will help spread knowledge (and some knowhow) about how participatory practi...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
03:30 PM-04:30 PM UTC
Thank you for being with us all these years, our dear REconomistas. Please join us so we can say ...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
05:00 PM-06:00 PM UTC
Join us for an end of year catch up where can reconnect, renew and regenerate ourselves. And we'l...Read more

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
04:00 PM-07:00 PM UTC
for a regenerative economy

Attended by

Past event
03:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC

Attended by

Past event
04:00 PM-05:30 PM UTC

Attended by

Past event

Attended by

Past event
03:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC

Attended by

Past event
Past event
01:00 PM-02:30 PM UTC

Attended by

Past event
02:00 PM-03:30 PM UTC

Attended by

Top financial contributors


Nikola Buric

600 EUR since Jul 2020

Jean-Paul Grange

560 EUR since Aug 2017

Jay Tompt

350 EUR since Nov 2018

Tom Henfrey

310 EUR since Jun 2019

Ben Roberts

225 EUR since Sep 2019

Jacky Smith

190 EUR since Jan 2019


175 EUR since Jan 2022

Viktor Zaunders

170 EUR since Nov 2018

sara silva

165 EUR since Nov 2018

Stephen Hinton

130 EUR since Dec 2018

Nenad Maljković

120 EUR since Aug 2017

Mark Simmonds

120 EUR since Apr 2018

Michelle Greenwood

115 EUR since Dec 2018

Wes Hinckes

105 EUR since Oct 2018

Wouter Extercatte

90 EUR since Aug 2017


Stichting Reculture Foundation

1,550.11 EUR since Jan 2021

Croatian Permaculture

300 EUR since Nov 2018

REconomistas Community of Practice is all of us

Our contributors 27

Thank you for supporting REconomistas Community of Practice.

Nikola Buric


€600 EUR

Jay Tompt


€350 EUR

Stichting Rec...

€1,550 EUR

Jean-Paul Grange

REconomy commons

€560 EUR

Tom Henfrey

REconomy commons

€310 EUR

Croatian Perm...

REconomy commons

€300 EUR

Redesigning local to global economy in line wit...

Ben Roberts

REconomy commons

€225 EUR

Jacky Smith

REconomy commons

€190 EUR

Workers coops rock - safe enough to try & good ...


€175 EUR

Viktor Zaunders

REconomy commons

€170 EUR


sara silva

REconomy commons

€165 EUR

Stephen Hinton

REconomy commons

€130 EUR


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #813996
-£2,044.23 GBP
€2,460.14 EUR
Contribution #707129
Today’s balance

€88.65 EUR

Total raised

€5,445.26 EUR

Total disbursed

€5,356.61 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€80.00 EUR


REconomistas Community of Practice is a trans-local network providing peer-to-peer support to entrepreneurs and enterprise ecosystem builders that are reimagining how we can meet our needs, create livelihoods and jobs in ways that are inclusive, socially and ecologically regenerative, fair and resilient. 

A REconomy Enterprise is a financially viable trading entity that fulfils a real community need, delivers social benefits and has beneficial, or at least neutral, environmental impacts.

We are closely linked with Transition movement. We practice Permaculture Ethics and follow Modern Agile principles in the way we work: 
  • Make people awesome
  • Make safety a prerequisite
  • Experiment and learn rapidly
  • Deliver value continuously
We want our basic activities to be independent on grant-maker's willingness or ability to support what we do, so we self-organise in pooling our resources, money included. We are building our worldwide virtual community of practice by developing resources for social learning, social organizing and peer-to-peer support through open collaboration. Contributions are welcome in form of work, products, services and money. 

We have open books policy, our finances are shared above, under Budget

For more information follow us on LinkedIn, our Facebook group and page, or on Twitter. We also post videos of some of our events, on our YouTube channel.  Send us messages here or on any of our social media channels. Our legacy website is here:


a community of practice manifesto

We’re ordinary people called to apply whatever skills and privileges we might possess to the work of bringing into being economic systems that affirm life. We know that root causes of global heating, biosphere destruction, inequality, social injustice and other daunting challenges can be found in the economic systems that dominate our societies. And so we think that these dominant systems must be transformed. This is our work, big or small, at whatever scale, supporting one another with ideas, knowhow, and collaborative energy. We’re guided by a belief that by working together we can amplify our positive impacts. 

Building our community. Our international community of practice has been going since 2015 in one form or another. It sprung from the Transition Network and holds with close affection those who work in the Transition movement, as well as permaculture, social and solidarity economy, among other grassroots movements working for positive economic change. We’re about economic relocalisation of the kind that’s just and inclusive, ecologically wise, convivial, and resilient. So, our community is a place to share knowledge and knowhow, meet and connect with others, and support one another with the practical work of bringing into being the change we’d like to see.

Inspirations. We’re inspired by what works, by initiatives that move people to action, by collective actions that result in positive change in communities, by models grounded in the real, that can be adapted, spread, and built upon. We love the innovative and new as well as the boring but effective. Commons, coops, green and social enterprise, ‘new municipalism’ and ‘community wealth building’, regenerative agriculture, community energy, ecofeminism and bioregionalism, open source and peer to peer - these and many other threads contribute to the fabric of a new and better society we’d like to bring into being.

Analyses. We’re well aware of the interrelated global crises we face. We know our societies, most especially in the Global North, must dramatically reduce carbon emissions, biospheric harm, exploitation and inequality, for example. But not at the expense of the wellbeing of those in the Global South. We think ‘green growth’ is a harmful distraction and Degrowth is a destination full of possibility. Governments must change to act with urgency with wise policy, while some governments must first be changed in their entirety. Corporates must radically change, too, and some must be hospiced. Government and corporate actions are necessary but insufficient. We all must act now, at appropriate territorial scales, to reconfigure economic systems toward regenerative patterns of provisioning and consumption, and to prioritize care for people and ecosystems.

Approaches.  Entrepreneurship and citizen participation represent important pathways for economic change. The kind of entrepreneurship we need in this historical moment is transition-oriented, regenerative, ecological, just, caring. We support creating new definitions and new models of this role in our societies, just as we support the creation of wider cultures of such entrepreneurialism, including new roles for investors, co-founders, supporters, and customers. This implies other important practices that invite wider and deeper community participation in the processes of economic transition, including governance, reciprocity and imagination. 

Theories of change.  Change in our social and economic systems can happen in many ways where we might or might not have agency. We focus on where we have agency. We think that by acting in places where we live, mobilizing members of our communities in collective acts, bringing into being new economic models, we make a better future tangible, accessible, convivial and alive. We’re about bottom-up change that rises up to meet the ‘top down’, reaches out to meet the ‘side to side’. 

Mycelium and diffusion. And so our little manifesto closes the loop by returning to the main idea of our community of practice. We’d like to build our translocal network so that the knowledge and knowhow of what’s working can be shared from community to community and across borders with energetic entrepreneurs and meta-entrepreneurs, cluster brokers and community organizers, local government economic development officers and university lecturers, investors and workers - and with you! Through online (and maybe sometimes in person) meetings, speaker events, workshops, we can share what works and how to do it, provide encouragement and solidarity, and enjoy developing caring, reciprocal relationships with interesting people all over the world. 

Our team